View Full Version : Major Panic

21-01-08, 09:53
I thought I would put this post in here because it's not really about my health I am stressing about but anyway I need to get this off my chest.

My son is going for him MMR next thursday and I think till then and for a couple months after I am going to be so on edge, the slightest cough and I am going to think he has Autisim!

It's driving me mad, I can't even concerntrait at work which is a bit fatal! He has a jab this thursday which I am ok with no problems, then the contraversial MMR next thursday THEN on the 20th of Feb he goes in for an operation (only a couple of hours thing) but still and my poor boy is only just turned 1. :weep:

Oh man this is just blowing my hair back, I am so stressed out my eyes are just seriously wonky, can't eat, can't sleep (I am enjoying the can't eat part hehe) but it's having some seriously stressing conciquences. Only good thing is my health Anx has kind of taken a back seat whilst I worry about something else for a change.

Then the cherry on the cake is that we are trying to move before March :wacko: aaah someone pass me the Valium!

hehe I am going to loose my mind,

anyway to a question....has anybody's child had the MMR and were there any adverse reactions?


21-01-08, 12:23
Im sending you a hug for you and your little boy.Im sure all will be ok,but can fully understand your worry.Hope someone here can shed some light on the scan for you.
BIG HUG:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

21-01-08, 12:34
this is horrible isnt it? when something just wont STOP. my daughter had the mmr and is fine but you have to do wha tyou think is best. im sure millions of kids have had it and are okay, but some kids have autism and their parents are convinced it was the mmr. nobody can tell you what to do, you just have to decide yourself, im sorry as i know how horrible your feeling.