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View Full Version : Found a breast lump and have been referred

21-01-08, 17:38
Oh no, hear I go again, worrying myself silly. Hope someone can help :weep:

I'm 40 and have always had a problem with lump breasts. I was doing my monthly check and feeling my "lumps" when I thought I noticed a different one. In the end I checked and checked and then couldnt work out it if it was one of my "normal" lumps or something new. Anyway popped along to the doctor so he could tell me it's normal breast tissue. He examined me and confirmed what I could feel. He said, "yes it's mobile and this big" - I looked down to where he was checking and it seemed huge what he was describing.

He has referred me because I am over 30 and that's the normal course of action. I said i was worried and he said I understand and I wish I could take away the worry but go now and make your appointment. So of course I'm reading into that statement thinking I have to make the appointment urgently.

anyway I now have an appointment at the breast clinic next Tuesday but I'm here on my own - my husband is away and I'm feeling very scared.

I had a mammogram done 2 years ago because my previous doctor thought I was "lumpy" (turned out to be ok). However that was for general lumps but I feel my doctor in this case has felt a specific lump. I asked what he thought it was and he replied "an fibroadenoma" but I'm scared that he's just saying that and there's something wrong (and I thought younger women got these)?

So has he felt one of my usual "lumps" or has something been creeping up inside and has grown really big :weep:

Any help and reassurance would be great coz I'm going out of my mind with worry and I don't want to start googling :lac:

21-01-08, 18:17
Hi Jenny, Oh gosh I am sorry you are feeling so worried, not good timing at all with your husband away. I think all of us women worry about breast lumps and they do say most are totally benign so even if your dr felt something it doesn't mean it's anything to worry about. I was sent for a mammogram a few years ago when I thought I could feel some squishy lumps and I was really terrified going to have it checked out, but the mammogram came back normal. I think I'm right in saying usually mobile lumps tend to be benign. I really hope your appointment next week goes well and that everything is okay :hugs:

21-01-08, 18:36
I'm going to pray for you.


21-01-08, 20:30
Hey it's good the action is been taken quickly, I was referred in a couple of weeks due to a lump about 3 years ago and they were fast to act because it was better than being unsure and I was 25 at the time.

You have to also remember that approx 9/10 lumps have nothing wrong with them. I thought if it was mobile it wasn't a problem, don't google it might upset you. Just hang tight till next tuesday as he said it is standard as you are over 30. My mom is near on 60 and gets all sorts of lumps big and small but they never turn out to anything bad (touch wood)

I have been worried as I have lumpy breasts so I have contacted a private clinc which offer breast screening nore regularly then the NHS, they said I can join the programme when I am over 35 at a cost of about £200 a small price to pay for my worries :)

Fingers crossed all goes well keep us posted.

21-01-08, 22:11
I understand what you are going through. I recenty went to the doctor for breast pain and she found some "thickening" on examination and said she would refer me to the breast clinic. I was so scared and actually made myself really ill with worry the whole week before my appointment. I looked and felt dreadful. The mind is a powerful thing! Everything turned out to be normal apart from a tiny cyst on the other breast - very common. The consultant said he could scan 100 women and 90 of them would have undetected cysts. It is common to have lumpy breasts - mine have definitely got worse latterly. You must try not to worry and just be glad you are getting it checked. Let me know how you get on. :)

22-01-08, 08:40
Morning and thanks for your replies.

I went to bed early last night - I think all the worrying took it's toll and woke a few times in the night thinking the worse :weep: I've already gone down the route thinking that I've got breast cancer. I know that's not the right thing to do but as JaneS said, the mind is a powerful thing.

I must stop poking and prodding it too as I'm making myself sore. I will of course let you know how I get on.

22-01-08, 08:53
Hi, I haven't had this myself but my sister did last year and I know how
upset and worried she was. Thankfully she was fine.

Take care I'm sure it will be fine, you have done the best thing by having
it checked out.

Good luck with the appoinment on Tuesday, please update us with the

Christine xx :flowers:

22-01-08, 13:33
if its today you are going good luck im sure everything is just fine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

22-01-08, 17:46
I've been there too, found a lump that the doctor said needed checking out, I didn't get an appointment for 3 weeks and spent the whole time thinking I was going to die of Breast cancer, only to be told everything was ok, I know how your feeling, Hope you manage to get through the next week without worrying too much.

24-01-08, 09:12
hi my daughter found a lump it was huge we wer so worried i took her to the docs he checked and sent her hospital for a scan .they then found more lumps and she had results bk to be told they wer fibroid adenomas .she absolutely fine doc still keeps check on them i no how you feel and at least your having them checked and hopefuly everythin will be fine and the doctor also stressed that women get fatty lump tissue harmless cysts and lumpy breasts are quiet common all the best tc elaine xx

Granny Primark
24-01-08, 10:30
Hi jenny,
My daughter too found a lump last year when she was 6 months pregnant. We were all worried sick.
However after having tests done she was told it was a fibroid ademoma.
She was told that if she wanted she could have it removed after her baby was born.
She is waiting for an appointment to get it removed.
Its natural to be worried.
My neighbour found a lump 18 months ago and her doctor told her there and then that it was likely that it was cancer. It turned out it he was right.
Shes had it removed and had chemotherapy and has been given the all clear.
Im sure everything will be fine for you.

Loads of love and good wishes,


24-01-08, 12:00
Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words - they mean a lot :flowers:

I collected my referral letter from the GP and it says there is a mobile lump 1cm x 2cm located in the outer right quadrant. I'm just praying that it'll be ok. As Mev said, she spent the whole time thinking she had breast cancer and was going to die - this is what I've been thinking :weep: - I really must try and put it to the back of my mind though as I'm being a bit off with my husband over the phone. I don't mean to be but it's very hard to get on with things with this hanging over my head. He's going to try and get home for appointment next week.

Of course I will update you all when I know more.

24-01-08, 16:44
stay strong till then we are all thinking of you xxx

29-01-08, 09:11
I think it is today you are going! GOOOD LUCK and think Positive !!