View Full Version : New and feel lost

21-01-08, 21:45
Hi everyone, my names shaz and I am 23. I dont know what is happening to me,I can only seem to get a bit of understanding of why i am feeling the way i am feeling when i am on sites like this. Its the closest i feel to understanding my insanity. I was attacked in a club brawl nearly a year ago in which i thought i had lost my partner to these thugs but thankfully he was ok. Ever since then i feel i am going mad, i feel like each day is going to be my last day and that i am going to die from some kind of illness mainly being a brain haemmorage(i had a concussion from the attack) or a heart attack...sometimes i wake up and my heart is beating so fast like i have run the marathon. I have really bad nightmares, terrifying nightmares of my partner dying or where im awake but paralyzed. When i go out without my partner i feel on edge and that something really bad is going to happen. I have mood swings which have affected all my relationships in some way.I constantly worry that something is going to happen to me wether it being i die from a illness, get attacked or mugged at night or a terrorist attack when im on the tube. I work my way into such a frenzy at some point every single day. I have gone to my doctor who is not helping but giving me pills which only seem to knock me out but not help me within my mind. I feel like i am losing control of everything, i cry everyday because i want, no, im desperate to be normal again. No-one seems to understand what i am going through, everyone just tells me that i will just stop feeling like this but right now i cant even see past tomorrow...

21-01-08, 21:59
Hi Shaz and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. What an awful experience you had, that must have been terrible and it's no wonder it's affected you. :hugs: Have you tried a different doctor at your practise or tried therapy like CBT?

Take care,

Mike :)

PS I moved your post to the intro forum so people can welcome you.

21-01-08, 22:16
Hi Shaz,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends


Trac xxx

21-01-08, 22:18
Hi Shaz,
You really have had a terrible time.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You have started the fight back by coming here.There are other people here who have come through similar ordeals,so you are not alone.
Do you have access to a local Victim Support network?
Can you request an appointment with a different GP-one who is more sympathetic to your needs?
Keep coming back here.
Things will get better.
Best wishes,

21-01-08, 22:37
Hey guys thanks for the welcome..my surgery is very small and only has a couple docctors there both of whom are equally unsympathetic and really don't know how to talk or interact with someone my age. He put me on amitriptyline which only seems to turn me into a zombie and knocks me out all night. Ive had enough of feeling like its an effort to get through the day. It constantly feels like im batteling through the day and im relieved when the day is over.I have had no other form of help..i wouldnt know where to start!

21-01-08, 22:54
Hi Shaz

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time.

You seem to have a mix of anxiety, panic and depression at the moment.

Perhaps you could ask the GP to refer you on for some counselling and maybe CBT.

21-01-08, 23:12
Hello Sali:welcome: to you!

What an absolutely awful time you've had:hugs:

I was mugged whilst on holiday in Marjorca a few years ago, so I can empathise with you a bit there.

It is natural to be concerned about these thoughts - but we must try not to allow them to take priority. Coming here will hopefully provide you with the help, support and encouragement to do this.

Glad you found us - pleased to meet you!


22-01-08, 09:36
Hi Shaz,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

22-01-08, 09:57

22-01-08, 10:00
welcome mate

love dawny x

26-01-08, 14:00
Hello Sali :)

Welcome to NMP!

You've obviously had a terrifying experience, and it's quite natural to have worries after something like that. A lot of people with anxiety will share your fears and feelings.

I hope you find the site useful

xxx :flowers:

26-01-08, 23:12
Hi Shaz
Welcome to nmp, sending you lots of hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and time is a great healer. You take care.
love Mags xxxx

26-01-08, 23:42
Dear Sali x
so sorry to hear that you have been through this awful experience
Sounds very much like" post traumatic shock syndome"
There is help on this site and information about how this dreadful and frightening experience can effect you and what can be done to help you
If you haven't been to see your gp yet or you can afford to go private there are many professionals who will be trained to deal with the consequences of incidents like these.
Take Care Rich xxxx

27-01-08, 07:54
hi shaz and welcome im sorry to hear wat a horrible ordeal youve had tc elaine xx

27-01-08, 07:56
Hi Shaz,

Welcome. You are not insane and lots of people are going to reassure you of that here.

love Monique