View Full Version : Tryin to distinguish what conditon this is...

05-03-05, 16:40

ive been doing this for years but only lately realised i do it. if im talking to anyone about anything, and say for example
" im ok,im not ill" or " i havnt got any germs" like i said to my brother when he had a bite of my food.. i find myself talking back to myself incase ive jinxed myself. by saying im ok i now wont be because i said im ok. does anyone else do this?
quite hard to explain what i mean.. but after iv said one of the above quotes il say to myself.. "not this second i havnt got any germs but its different in a minute" as if to cancel out anything ive said. i cant even bring myself to say "that bugs me" because it sounds like im asking to get a bug and im emetaphobic.
is this OCD or just one of my many harmless quirks?!

05-03-05, 16:54
Could be either I think, not sure.

Not much help am I.

Take care

Elaine x

05-03-05, 17:02
hi, I think everyone does its the same as when someone says oh thats a good TV its worked good for years? then u think by saying this u will make it go wrong? My wife hates me saying her car is good she thinks I will make it break down saying this lol. take care. Vernon

05-03-05, 18:20
its probably just a quirk, something that you always done but only just realised you have been doing it, most people would add "touch wood" or something similar after it i think

fan x

05-03-05, 18:41

You will be surprised how many people will do as you do I wouldnt say it was OCD but because you are now aware of it, you will find yourself doing it all the time. Try next time you feel like saying it in your head to distract yourself and think of something completely different.

It will just be a harmless quirk and we all have them.

Take care.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

05-03-05, 22:56
Hi bubblestar,

I think this is pretty normal. Isnt this where the saying 'touch wood' comes from.


There's a flu bug going round, but I haven't had it. Then you say touch wood, and touch something made of wood.

Most of my friends and family do that, and they cant all be wrong.

Hope you understand what Im going on about.[:P]

Jude x

07-03-05, 16:51
i know what you mean about the touch wood... but for me its a curse! if i say it. it happensso i stopped say it.
but thanks for your advice everyone! im just a bit of an individual eh! hehe