View Full Version : Does Anyone Have Answers!

22-01-08, 00:16
I'm sorry to ask this question yet again but I am convinced by heart will stop in my sleep. My heart rate can go as low as 40 during the day and when I'm sleeping I know it can go as low as 33. The Doctors say I'm fine. I have undergone the following heart tests:

24 hour Holter Monitor
Stress Test
2 Echocardiograms
7 EKG's
Several Physicals

Yet I cannot get over the fact that it is possible that one night I will go to sleep and not wake up. I have heard that there is such a thing as sudden cardiac death syndrome and sudden nocturnal death syndrome. My Doctor says my heart is just slow, but he wants to see me again in a couple months just to be sure. Why do I feel like I won't be around in a couple months? Why do I feel like I am the only one taking any stake in saving my life? I realize my odds of having either of these disorders is rare but I can't help but think that my time is running short. Oh yeah, I'm a 19 year old college student and all of these fears began when I entered the hospital with Pancreatitis and it was discovered that I have a slow heart rate.


God bless all of you and I hope no one else has to go through this, although I'm fairly sure that many of you do

Your words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. I want to graduate college, get married, have kids, but I am worried that I am gonna die in my sleep or ruin my life worrying about dying in my sleep. I also have no family history of heart problems

22-01-08, 00:29
Hi Eaglepride,

You seem to have overlooked one small thing.Your doctor is expressing a CONFIDENT expert opinion that you will still be here in another couple of months to be checked again!
This is good news!
Re-read your thread.It gives me a positive message about the health of your heart!-It has been thoroughly checked.
I think you have a few more million miles on the clock to go!
Best wishes,

22-01-08, 00:31
Thats a great point Chalky! Yet why do I feel like the doctors have missed something? Why do I feel doom and despair?

22-01-08, 00:36
Hi Eaglepride,
I too suffer from doom and despair.
I also accept that my brain is "wired" to look at the negative in every situation.I therefore have to force myself to challenge this negativity.Hopefully,through practise,I will re-wire my brain to a more positive way of thinking.This is tiring,sometimes frustrating but it beats giving in to this condition!
Best wishes,

22-01-08, 02:07
I feel EXACTLY the way you do. I too have had all the tests and still am unsure. I have been exercising and I have almost wanted to stop that because I am worried it will make my heart rate even lower. I really really wish I could just have a heart rate of 60!
I wish I had answers for us both but we seem to be in the exact same situation. I guess since days and days go by and we are still here, the doctors are most likely right.
Lots of hugs to you as I know how hard it is:hugs: