View Full Version : Your Childrens Health

22-01-08, 14:08

I suffer from health anxiety and it also affects how I worry about my little boy. If he says he has a pain I always jump to the worst conclusion and am on the internet looking up symptoms.
Like this morning he told me his legs hurt all over (he is nearly 4)and I am now scared that he has somthing wrong. He was jumping about yesterday and winded himself and said his neck went back I am now worried he has done some damage (he was walking about and playing ok)
Of those of you that have children do you also feel like this?


22-01-08, 14:38
When my children were small they had meningitis at least once a month :blush:

A couple of months ago my daughter was sent home from school with a raging temperature, hot and cold and dizzy. She uses Tampax and I was convinced she had Toxic Shock. She didn't, she had tosillitis :blush:

So, yes, I think all of us think the worst when it comes to illness in our children, not just those with health anxiety either!


22-01-08, 14:49
I too extend my Health Anxiety to my kids...every time they have the sniffles in my mind it's the pre-cursor to avian flu. Unfortunately I think my eldest son who is just five is picking up on it and exagerates his symptoms as well.


22-01-08, 15:43
yep that sounds like me. I am constantly checking my little boy with a thermometer, he gets his MMR next week and I am so stressed it's not funny because I read the information card and nearly freaked my lid at the side effects!!

I try not to worry but I read all these things about people's children dying (which I have to stop doing!!!) and stress that Max has the same thing. I have to stop it I don't want him to grow up like me because I am convinced half the reason why I am like this is because of my mom.

Aaah well we can just try out best to keep them healthy.

Take care,

22-01-08, 16:21

I know what you are saying about reading about children awful things wrong with them, on one side of my family two members of the same family had their little boys die before 2 and i was always worried about my little man i did feel a little better when he got passed this age.
I do try not to talk about my worried and anxiety when he is about as my mom was a real worrier and I think some of that has rubbed off on me.

But it is nice to know I am not the only one that thinks like this.


22-01-08, 17:41
Its totally bizarre as I suffer bad health anxiety, but when it comes to my child or my hubby, I see the illnesses for what they actually are, just wish I could do the same with my health.

22-01-08, 18:17
hi therem

i toothink the worst when it comes to my kids or my partner, my partner had bursitis about a month ago and before he even went to our local NHS walk in centre, i had in hospital with a drip in and telling me it was a blood clot or something. as for the kiids, well my younger son is the one who i have had the most trouble with when it comes to illness and its him who i take straight to the docs at the simplest thing. so you are not alone.

take care


22-01-08, 23:50
My "child" is now 27 yrs old so can comment from the now grown up point of view. I totally freaked out about every symptom he had and would cross question him over and over again if he was ill. By the time he was a teenager he really hated this and got to the point where he wouldn't tell me if he was ill to stop me annoying him.

He has had a few serious things wrong with him in late teens - appendicitis and then blood poisoning both of which could have killed him which didn't help me one bit!

I did explain to him when he was about 22 yrs old why I am like I am and I wished I had told him years and years earlier as he understood and was more patient with me.

I found that once he was married and away from home I improved, probably because I just don't know whats going on and he is an adult and I can no longer tell him what to do or be respondisble for him.