View Full Version : Does anyone else get phlegm?

22-01-08, 15:17
I know this is a bit gross but when I get anxious, I seem to make a lot of plegm that will neither come up or go down so gets stuck in my throat which makes me cough and gag and invariably be sick.

It's getting to be a regular occurence happening every day now and I hate going out as I cough which makes me gag etc.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

22-01-08, 16:26
:) i have this almost permanently and didnt find out its a symptom of anx until 2007.i have had it forever, but never connected the two. i dont cough and gag, but i do have alot of trouble swallowing - i dont worry about it though, but it is annoying. emma

22-01-08, 21:52
Hi Devon, I've had this and worked out that it often ccourred after different foods or drinks. I guess that how various ingredients react with our saliva, could be to blame. for me I found Lucozade and chocolate were irritants. Have you tried your Docs. advice on this?

23-01-08, 00:49
Hi Devon

Yep i get this constantly to and always seem to be having to cough to try and clear it. I find using a salt nasal spray can help ease it.

take care

23-01-08, 19:06
I had a bad flu bug at xmas and suffered with this since. I too have trouble swallowing at time. Feels as if something is constantly stuck in my throat which i cant clear by coughing etc. it does get worse when i get anxious and it makes me gag etc.
I mentioned it to my GP the other day as it is driving me crazy (and everyone else around me - i keep trying to clear my throat) GP said my chest was clear so it was probably post viral.
Another horrible sympton i think.


24-01-08, 01:12
i get it, but its usually in my head, i cant stop coughing, only ever in the night though, then trying to stop caus i dont want to bother everyone makes me worse. drives me mad

25-01-08, 16:00
ive had this bad today ,and had a few streaks of blood in it im convinced im gonna die now, to me it cant possibly be cos ive been coughing so much

25-01-08, 16:35
the blood can be easily explained, if you cough too hard you can rupture vessels n stuff, so u get a bit of blood in there. its likely to be nothing, but if i were you id go to your gp just for piece of mind, will make you feel a whole lot better.
hope you feel better soon xx