View Full Version : Emotions

05-03-05, 18:18
How many here go through periods of crying, or at least wanting to cry because they are so frustrated with their condition and don't always have a shoulder to cry on?

Sometimes, these symptoms just get the better of you and just won't go away.

Chatting on here, as good as it us, can't release those tears. That can only be done by phone, or even better, by speaking to someone in person.

I'd be interested to hear from others who live alone how they cope.


05-03-05, 18:22
well i personally save mine til bed time i get under my duvet and become all pathetic and maudlin about how bad my life is, always feel lots better afterwards

fan x

05-03-05, 18:27
Im a bit like Fan or if it gets me down during the day have a good cry and it sometimes makes me feel a little bit better.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

05-03-05, 21:10
You guys don't have to be alone, your welcome to ring me day or night.



05-03-05, 21:26
aaww blue that was a very kind thought

fan x

06-03-05, 06:15
I live alone and only have contact with people online most of the time. I too often feel like I need to cry but the tears won't come.

Like Ray says we often need a shoulder to cry on but being alone don't have anyone with us. Talking on the phone isn't an option for me because I find talking so very difficult.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

06-03-05, 07:06
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">aaww blue that was a very kind thought

fan x

<div align="right">Originally posted by FAN - 05 March 2005 : 21:26:05</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I'm not a therapist Fan, I'm more likely to get pi**ed lol, but I hate it when people are unhappy. If sharing things with me helps then that is great. I'm not a natural talker though so don't expect me to chew your ear off, at least not until I get to know you. :)



06-03-05, 10:02
I don't live alone but I still don't like to offload my prob's on hubby and the kids. I only occasionally talk about how I'm feeling and thats only on msn not person to person.

I still cry my tears in private as well.

Love Kate x

06-03-05, 10:51
You need to talk to your partner Kate, something like that can't be faced alone if you aren't on your own. It must be a huge strain to not be able to share your pain with the one you love.



06-03-05, 12:04
Hi Blue,

He and I have been going through this for the past 20 odd years on and off.

It has affected us all as a family, as it has everyone else here that suffers. BUT, I still can't tell him how I'm feeling on a day to day basis and he never asks. He understands as little now as he did 20 years ago, so I just keep it to myself. Yes, very stressful, but I find it impossible to discuss it with him.

Kate x

06-03-05, 12:50
Even though i do have a partner he's 300 miles away at the moment. And for the last seven months its just been me and the kids. I'm terrible for crying. I tend to bottle it up for a while then let it all out and i literally sob like a baby, i do feel better afterwards though. I can't talk to people about things really. I've tried to talk to my mum and she always says i've got to buck my ideas up for the kids sake. Always critises but its never constructive if you get my meaning.
Take care

06-03-05, 18:20
hi blue thanks for that but im not a good talker either im ok with a simple "yes, im ok.....or not too bad today" but cant go into any detail or i end up a wreck all crying and pathetic and embarrass myself

fan x

07-03-05, 00:20

I used to have the same problem with my mum - I could never have opened up to her, and my dad is the same. But I find I can do so with my brother more, maybe because he is a product of them like me, and I may view my parents as a catalyst for my issues deep inside.

But of course, friends are best, and sometimes I just breakdown in front of the doctor or therapist, as they are both a stranger and somebody who will view your emotions from a professional viewpoint - they see all sorts of 'cases' in their working day.


07-03-05, 13:23
I have given up talking to my mum about it all now. I do have a best mate who i can chat to because she's been in this situation but alot worse. About three years ago she took an overdose. She never talked to anyone about it either. So at least i have someone i guess and we know where we're both coming from. But this site has given me alot of help over the weeks.


07-03-05, 14:45
Hi Ray

Even though I don't live alone, my boyfriend has never really understood my illness and can't understand why I suffer panic/anxiety and depression. At the start of my illness 5 years ago, i used to get so frustrated with my boyfriend/parents/friends etc becuase i felt they didn't understand how ill I felt and I used to sit and cry all day because I felt so alone. My mum was brilliant and just used to hold me while I sobbed my heart out and she would often cry with me because she felt so helpless as how to make me better. She ended up on antidepressants herself as it made her ill having to look after me and the kids and having to watch me go through this and not knowing what to do and I feel a lot of guilt that i made her ill too. My boyfriends way of coping was to try and block it out by getting P****d in the pub every day which didn't help as I thought he didn't care. Once the depression lifted I was still left with awful anxiety but I still get frustrated when i have down days and sit and cry as I feel like I am going backwards instead of forwards. This illness can make everyone feel like they are very alone even when they are not, and that is why I was glad to find this website as I now never feel alone anymore and I know everyone understands what I feel like. I was referred to a psychiatrist a few years ago which i didn't find very helpful and have also seen a psychiatric nurse who was better but once I was over the worst they said I didn't need to be seen again. I find that if I want a good cry and the tears won't come I watch sad films when my boyfriends at work and the kids are at school and just bawl my eyes out to release the tension as I find I always feel better after a damn good cry and I don't think it is anything that we should be ashamed of.

Good luck with the therapy and take care
Love Lisaxx

07-03-05, 18:55
Hi Lisa,

Hadn't thought about the sad films to get the tears going.

But a couple of my friends are currently in California, and have posted their pics on the web. These images have made me at least sob, maybe because they have flown 6,000 miles to see friends whilst I'm stuck here on my todd and struggle to travel two miles!

Yes, this site is brilliant - everyone understands.

