View Full Version : My symptoms / Advice and help

22-01-08, 19:19
Hi all,
I've been having really bad chest pains, stomach pain, a sore throat, trouble swallowing, nausea and a loss of appetite, and occasionally breathing problems for the past week.
They're constant, sometimes a lot worse, but they're always there.
When I'm having an attack they're really bad obviously, and I get a burning sensation in my chest.
I was very very scared about it, which made me even more panicky. I thought it was something to do with my lungs or heart and I was convinced I was going to die, until I saw 2 different Doctors about it.
First one wasn't of much help as he checked me over, said I was physically fine, and it was only due to indegestion. I took the tablets and nothing happened, so I got panicky again.
I the NHS Helpline and they told me it was due to anxiety, and some withdrawal symptoms of smoking, and that they were sure it was nothing serious.
The 2nd one I saw helped me out a lot more. She listened to my chest extensively, looked at my throat, felt my abdomen, and said there was absolutely nothing physically wrong, and there was nothing to worry about, and my fears were a bit irrational. I calmed down a bit then!
I've been having CBT with my phycologist for 3 years due to my depression, and he said again it's due to panic attacks and anxiety, nothing physical.
Looking at this site i've seen that my symptoms are common during attacks, but is it normal for them to be constantly there when I'm anxious?
Sleeping's hard anyway, and the pains just end up making it even harder.
Any advice or help, especially with things to help with the pain, would be much obliged!
Thanks :)

22-01-08, 20:26
hi there,

I am constantly anxious at the moment and i am plagued with pains everywhere, its a vicious circle, yesterday i had a pain in my back and i thought it was something, today i ave got a pain in my leg and its dvt as far as i am concerned, the more anxious we get the more it mimicks a disease or illness in some way, you have just got to tell yourself it is just anxiety, easier said than done i know, but you need to try and relax, give yourself some time, i know its hard, when people used to tell me to take a walk i would think i hate walking why would i want to go for a walk, but it takes your mind off things, phone a friend anything to take your mind off things

take care
