View Full Version : Jaw displacement

22-01-08, 20:28
Hi All I have not been on for a while, battlin to stay on top and be positive in my own way. Have been suffering tension etc and seeing Chiro for neck and facial stiffness, dentist informs me today that I have jaw displacement caused often from teeth grinding. I need to have a sheild fitted to wear at night to stop me grinding. Very attractive,LOL, anyone any experience of this? Have researched it a bit. Self massage is recommended as is relaxtion tech, was being good and doing more exercise but it seems to have aggravated the prob which leaves me feeling a bit flat.
Symptoms are numb ish feelin in one cheek, pain in teeth, radiates to head pain sometimes, stiff neck.
Sending you all lots of postive vibes, hope you pick them up. :hugs:

22-01-08, 21:31
hi dinkydoo

i had this too - my jaw used to lock and i got terrible face pain. i wore a guard all the time (see thru and on bottom teeth so not really noticeable) and then had the surfaces of my teeth reshaped to alter my bite. looking back i don;t think it was really necessary - its all to do with tension. mine really improved when i realised i clenched my jaw and stuck it forward (not consciously!) and so when i started to be aware of my bad habits i could correct them. my jaw is still a little stiff on one side but no probs for years now. also make sure that you never allow your top and bottom teeth to contact apart from when you eat - i used to bite my teeth together without realising and make sure you are not placing your tongue against the roof of your mouth. x

23-01-08, 10:29
Oh my goodness as I was reading your post I had the tongue on roof of my mouth without realising. Feels natural to have top and bottom set of teeth touching but will try to be more aware of that.
I really do not want muscle relaxants as is advised on the net, so today bought some Kalms to try.
I am aware that I am always tense, my shoulders and neck are constantly sore stiff and knotted,I do try to be aware of posture etc.
I appreciate your post. I am scared stiff of having even the impressions done for the mouth guard cause I had an experience with a impatient dentist as a kid when he tried to take an impression for a brace I felt it was going down my throat panicked pushed his hand away and he got in a strop,LOL Will it be the same? Feel like Ii am going to swallow it? Did your mouth guard work? Did it affect your speech? I am told it will be a soft one.
Thankyou for your reply.xx

23-01-08, 20:38
In the Kalms there is a thing called Magesium Dioxide, I am also taking Magnesium supplements, plus I have noticed that my Vit D and Calcium supp also has this Magnesium element in. Can my body have too much?

23-01-08, 20:48
Sorry chaps. Am i overly worrying? Just for a change.

23-01-08, 21:37
hi there - not trying to put you off but kalms did not work for me making sure you are not hunching your shoulders and clenching your jaw are the first steps to take i think - you also don;t want to overdose on vits but you could check with the pharmacist in your local chemist. i had a feeling you were allowing your teeth to touch - i thought this was normal but it is a big no no - it tenses the muscles in your face and neck.

impressions aren;t nice to have done - i have a small mouth so hate that feeling of being choked but it was ok - tell your dentist of your experience if you are worried but i am sure you will be fine. x

23-01-08, 22:23
Hi i do take vits B and magnesium which i reckon do help to a certain degree,
A guy told me he couldn't stop grinding his teeth cause of stress and the magnesium stopped it. He's been fine now for a long time
Richie xxxx

23-01-08, 23:01
Thanks guys. I too have a small mouth. Thats y I started taking the magnesium, for my muscle tension as I read on here i think that it was beneficial.
Just seems like all three things I am taking contain the same thing.
Think it should be ok though. Thanks for your advice. Iam using a wheat lavendar bag on my shoulders, heated up is soothing, but temporary, and I am rubbing lavendar oil on my face/neck.
Will keep perservering. Good luck to you all. I wish you well.

23-01-08, 23:28
I have self diagnosed myself with TMJ although it may be purely tension. My facial muscles and jaw are so tense all the time i get pains by the joints next to my ears, get earache and have ringing in one ear all the time (VERY ANNOYING!!!!!!)
I dont grind my teeth that im aware of but probably do. I have heard a bout these mouth guards and they are supposed to be very effective.
I was told by my osteopath that to relax the jaw let it drop so your teeth dont touch and just put your tongue behind your front teeth. I try and do it but unless i consciously remember, 5 seconds later im clenching again.
By the way, i had a mouthguard doen recently for something else, it wasn't pleasant but was over very quickly. Dont worry.

24-01-08, 01:11
i grind my teeth when i sleep, i have done since i was a little toddler, my uncle who is dead now, is the only other person in the family who does it, i never thought to have it check out, though i now know that its done some pretty bad damage to my jaw. My boyfriend says i do it worse when im anxious, so if it is related to my anxiety i suppose so

26-01-08, 07:41
How quickly was it over Dog lover?!!!! If I had an idea I may not be so scared,LOL
Seconds? Please say yes, hahahahaha.
Thousands of kids have braces, it cant be that bad right!

26-01-08, 11:25
From what i remember it took no longer than about a minute. It stays in until its gone hard then the dentist pulls it out. Good luck. It will be well worth it if the guard helps you.

26-01-08, 19:08
Ok thanks. Can imagine me counting down from 60 to one in sheer panic!!LOL

27-01-08, 00:12
Pain not so bad now Iam drunk,LOL