View Full Version : Blacking out from panic? happened to me today...

22-01-08, 22:55
Hi everyone,

So on my way to work this morning, I was standing up, riding the train, when I noticed a spot on my hand that hurt like a bruise when I touched it, except I couldn't see a bruise so I started freaking out and launching into the whole "what if it's this or that." So then I felt this huge wave of panic and everything started to go dim. In a couple seconds, I was totally, 100% blind, though I didn't fall and was still conscious. So I forced myself to deep breath and regained my sight gradually in about 30 or 40 seconds. I went to the doctor right away, and she said it was most likely dehydration or the hot, crowded train or something b/c my BP, heart rate, and eyes looked fine. I managed to make it through the work day, but am feeling so nauseous and anxious about it now. My fears are: #1. What if it happens again???, #2. What if next time it's a full out faint?, and #3 What if it wasn't caused by anx and there's really something wrong?

I should mention that I hadn't had anything to drink since dinnertime the previous night and had a small breakfast. I also had a panic attack on Sunday night, so am feeling a bit more on edge than usual these days. But I never drink much and this has never happened.

I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but please tell me I'm not the only one to black out b/c of a panic attack!!!!

Thanks, and sorry for the long post!


24-01-08, 06:07
Hi Aurora

I know exactly how you feel and can sympathise completely.

I have had sessions like this also. I'm sure it is all anxiety related and you were checked by your doctor so please try and not worry (easier said than done i know). My doctor once told me that anxiety can affect the eyesight. The other day i went outside and i could have sworn that there was a thick blanket of smoke or something but it was my eyes! really weird I can tell you. I started thinking what on earth was it but I havn't had it since so i'm hoping it was a one off thing.

Try not to worry and if you still feel concerned you could always have another chat with your doctor.

Stay strong and take care :flowers:

24-01-08, 07:03
Just a quick post, it must have been terrible Aurora, I've never had that happen but I've heard other people mention it. I wasn't going to post a reply because I didn't really have any answers, but I noticed that heaps of people have read your post and only one reply. It's probably because Tracy seems to have covered it all. Good luck Aurora, and keep breathing - slowlyyyyyy. SJ

24-01-08, 14:09
This completely sends my panic into overdrive, i have been told time and time again you CANNOT faint from panic.

..another thing to worry about.
I'll never leave the house at this rate.

24-01-08, 15:38
Aurora, biggest hugs for you, you went through all this and managed to continue to work so well done. Thats good you went to your doc for reassurance but it is so hard to deal with the what ifs. Ive experienced what you are describing on numerous occasions in the past but like you never losed consciousness, and Ive put it down to a possible combination of overdoing things, being hungry and tired. If it does happen again then you know you coped this time and you will again :hugs: .

Bluebell just to reassure you, I read this and came over all funny, my worst fear is fainting. Ive also been reassured that you cannot faint from a panic attack, Ive been on the "verge" just as aurora has explained but never once completely passed out either. 11 years with anxiety and not once have it happened. Like you though it still sends chills through me but we will be fine.

Hugs to all

Darkangel x:flowers:

24-01-08, 15:43
It is blind panic that makes you feel like you are going to faint, the lightheaded feeling and then panicking about that as well. BUT, if you were going to faint, you would just faint, no time to analize it, it just happens!


25-01-08, 11:40
I agree with you Kate, if you are going to faint then the body will just do that, no way can that be controlled...............its an automatic response.

29-01-08, 23:31
Thanks so much for your replies, everyone! I'm happy to say that I have not had any more episodes since then. Bluebell and anyone else who is now worried about fainting: please try not to get nervous about it-- I've had loads of panic attacks and this is the only time something like this has ever happened. And, like I said, I didn't actually pass out. The doctor called it a "pre-faint". I think it is still true what they say about not being able to actually pass out from a panic attack.

Thanks again everyone! :)