View Full Version : Anybody else get neck and shoulder symptoms?

22-01-08, 23:56
I'm getting this weird feeling at the back of my neck and shoulders, like cold and sore, kind of like the feeling you get when you are going to throw up! is this something sinister, or is it yet another symptom of Anxiety?

23-01-08, 11:06
I reckon it's anxiety. I get sore neck and shoulders, particularly on one side when I'm anxious. I had a physio session yesterday - when I went in I could only look to the side, by the end I could look behind me which is quite handy when driving!! :)

23-01-08, 11:22
it sounds like muscle tension caused by anxiety. My main physical symptoms are all upper back/shoulder soreness and pain/tingling which also radiates into my arms and chest sometimes.
I cant really get rid of it but it does help if i put heat on it, go for a swim, do stretches etc
Hope that helps

23-01-08, 12:12
Thanks, it is amazing what Anxiety is capable of doing to you! I'm getting different symptoms by the week!