View Full Version : TOO MUCH

23-01-08, 13:55
Hi. Having a very bad day today and can not stop paniking about my eyes, My headache has gone but eyes are wierd I know I am going on about it but they are not double vision or anything like that it just seems that objects have a glare on them and I hate the lights on etc. I am not sure if it is the floaters or not. I can see OK but I am really scared.

I have an optician appt tomorrow but I am really worried there is something wrong with my brain. This all started just before my panic attack last Tuesday and has not gone away.

I try not think about it but it keeps coming back. I can not stop crying, I look a mess.:weep:

23-01-08, 14:17
Heya turn

Sorry to hear your having a bad time worrying,but im sure your fine,i know it's easy for me to say,but if there was anything really bad wrong with you,you'd be having worse symptoms im sure.


23-01-08, 16:13

I also have bad eyes when I panic, and it can go on for weeks! at the moment I am under stupid amounts of pressure at work and my left eye is a bit wierd. I have been to the optician who can't find any problems, they are the best people to see but I am sure you will be ok!

Wierd things can happen to eyes even if they are strained, so don't worry to much normally eye problems present themselves fairly quickly so if it keeps coming and going I am sure it's nothing to bad.

Good luck for your app tomorrow!
Take care!