View Full Version : Dealing with Rejection after an Interview

23-01-08, 16:33
Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if other people found this a problem or if it was just me. I've found that after i get rejected for something I immediately see all the negatives in who I am and wonder why I thought I stood a chance in the first place.

For example recently I went for an interview, heard back I didn't get it and instead of just thinking, there was just someone better than me this time, I immediately start thinking I'm useless and there's no way I can do it and what was I thinking about going for the job in the first place.

I know I'm being hard on myself because I was nervous and even though I could have done better during the interview it wasn't completely terrible. Even though I tell myself this I can't get past how I'm obviously not good enough for that level of job and I never will be.

I wondered if anyone had any tips on dealing with rejection (be it in any form) and how to stay confident and realise that sometimes it's not always you?


24-01-08, 08:30
Hi Lucy,
'Been there done that' - as they say.
I say two very important things to myself after a job rejection.

1: "It's their loss not mine, they don't know what a great employee they have just let walk out the door".

2: "Well, lucky I didn't get that job, they never would have appreciated my talents anyway, if they can't see talent when they see it, they wouldn't have been very good bosses anyway".


PS: It's not personal when you don't get a job, some bosses are just weird.
The boss I have now never employs anyone she thinks is smarter than herself, Luckily I'm 'so smart' I don't let her know that I am. LOL

Good luck - you will get the next job that you are meant to have. Sometimes a job we really want isn't the job we are meant to have.
Remember - It's their loss not yours!



24-01-08, 08:59
Ditto, this has happened with me too.

But I always believe that if you don't get a job, there is a better one around the corner.

I remember once I applied for a job with the Red Cross - it was well paid and looked rewarding. I went for the interview and was so upset when I didnt get it.

Then a week later, a job came up with the NSPCC - THE charity I had wanted to work with for many years as their cause is personal to me. I went for the job and got it! I am so proud to say I have worked for that charity and more importantly, the charity I had longed to work for. If I HAD got the job with the Red Cross, I wouldnt have worked with the NSPCC.

Funny how life works. You will find the job for you hun :)


25-01-08, 21:49
Aye that's so true.

I kinda think if you don't get a job, it wasn't meant to be.

It is horrid getting rejected after interviews, especially if it is a job you want.

The first two 'big' interviews I went for, I was rejected. One I didn't want, one I did. They both mentioned how nervous I was, and I took that to mean I would always be so nervous at interviews I would never, ever get a job.

The same day I was rejected from the one I wanted, I found an advert for a job I really wanted. I went up against a lot of people, but I was determined that was MY job, and I got it. In fact, I then got 3 offers. A year on, I'm still there and still wondering if I made the right decision :winks:

I think you need to put it down to experience. Ask for feedback after a rejection. It's really important to find out why they didn't choose you. It's usually something pretty simple, but it's something you can build on for next time. Try to use it constructively though, and it will really help you next time.

I was rejected for a job today. It was a blessing as I had already decided I would not accept it if they offered it to me. Of course, it's always disappointing though. I have applied for another already, which appealed slightly more, and I know there are some in the pipeline I am really keen on.

The more interview experience you can get, the better. Then you get lots of offers and it's your turn to do the rejecting :winks:

Please don't let it hit you too hard....it really does depend on the competition. Sod them anyway - it is their loss. There will be lots more opportunities :yesyes:

xxx :flowers:

25-01-08, 22:03
It is horrible being rejected for jobs but am afraid its the nature of it. I have been for lots of interviews - some good some bad some damn right horrendous lol

If you dont get it you have to think - it wasn't meant to be and soemthing good is round the corner....... I am hoping anyway lol


Claire xx