View Full Version : New to site and attacks, would love some advice

05-03-05, 23:15
I'm a 14 year old girl, and suffer from panic attacks, I'm also terrified of fainting, and i don't eat alot (I am a little too thin). I've only started having them recently and they're really scary, panic attacks and depression run in the family. My mum knows what I'm going through, but sometimes I feel so alone. I know there are people out there like me, but I don't know any of them personally, who are of my age too. I'm really just looking for advice, to cope with them. I've been having these attacks for only about 3months, but because it's new to me, it's even more worrying!

Chaz xx

05-03-05, 23:58
Hi Chaz

Firstly welcome to the site and hon you are not alone at all. Many people on here will support you through this so never feel alone. Pleased you found us and we can help you hon.

You have a mum that understands so hold on to that. Jade is about your age that is on the site so hopefully she will see your post and contact you.

But regardless of age we all have been through the same thing so we are all here to support each other.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

06-03-05, 05:57
Hi Chaz

Welcome to the forum. Like Sal says, many of us here experience panic attacks and you are certainly not alone.

I'm sure you'll get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

06-03-05, 11:31
Hi Chaz

Welcome to the site, there are lots of people here who will help and support you.
You are not alone

Take care

Elaine x

06-03-05, 13:27
Hi Chaz

We do have some members around your age that will be able to offer you some advice as they know what it it slike to be so young and suffering.

We will do all we can too to help you.

It is very rare to faint from panic attacks but you do need to eat little and often to keep your strength up and help fight the panic.


06-03-05, 14:37
Hi Chaz welcome to the site and I am sorry to hear how you are feeling at the moment but you will find lots of help and support here from a very friendly bunch of people. no matter what age you are, panic attacks are scary things but you will come through this we will all try to help you as much as we can so don't ever feel like you are alone.

Take care and hope to hear more from you.
Love Lisa

06-03-05, 15:03
hi welcome to the forum glad you got here hope it helps

fan x

06-03-05, 17:26
Thx for all ur support, I don't really feel alone anymore, as i know people have it worse than me. It is new to me and I guess I'll start to deal with it more and more in future.

Thx again! :)

Chaz xx

06-03-05, 17:30
Hi chaz

So pleased you dont feel so alone anymore and you know we are always here to support and help you through this.

It is hard hon when it is new to you and it takes time to get used to what is happening before you can start moving forward, but you will.

Take care

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

06-03-05, 17:41
Hi Chaz

I have just done a post to Scooter Girl (Jade) thats in the same forum as yours. Might help if you read her posts as she is the same age as you.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

06-03-05, 18:13
Hi Chaz,

Just want to say welcome to the site.


06-03-05, 18:24
hi chaz just popped back to say tell your mum about the site it could help with her problems too

fan x

06-03-05, 22:25
Hi Chaz

Replied on Jades post but will text her tomorrow to let her know you have joined.

Take care hon, hope school goes ok tomorrow.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

07-03-05, 09:49
HI Chaz, just saw your post on here and noticed that you had also replied to mine, looks like we have a lot in common in terms on what we are scared of! I noticed you have added me to your buddy list on msn, hopefully we can get together on there soon and have a chat.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Twinkle xxx

07-03-05, 19:56
Thank-u Fan, my mum has now joined the forum (she is Jac)
Thank-u Sal, i have now got in-touch with Jade
Thank-u Twinkle, I hope to speak to u soon
And Thank-u everybody for your help! :)

Chaz xx

07-03-05, 20:26
hi chaz glad to hear your mum also joined hope we can help her too

fan x

07-03-05, 23:02
Hi Chaz

Pleased your mum has now joined.

Really pleased you have got in touch with Jade too. sure you will both help each other with our help to.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

09-03-05, 19:01
mum really enjoys coming on this site, it helps her too, that fact that she knows there are other people out there like her

chaz xx

12-03-05, 19:41
hi chaz hope your doing ok

fan x