View Full Version : Huge Panic Attack

24-01-08, 01:05
ok, so its kinda hard to control myself right now, but apart from laying on the floor i figured i would describe to you what i`m feeling right now, sort of help myself take my mind off this, sort of to help anyone else experiencing what i do. 12:50 - night

First sign, in the bathroom, sudden on pain in the wrist veins of my left arm
From then on:

*my left hand starts to feel very week and numb, followed by entire left arm
(still experiencing)
*sudden hot flush, sweat, palpitation, pains in left arm
(still experiencing)
*Obvious trouble breething, not rapid but just needing large breaths
(still experiencing)
*panic rushing through body
*anxious thoughts - what if heart attack, stroke, blood clot
(spent a little while reasoning with myself, not to tell parents and call ambulance AGAIN)
*Sudden blurred vision, trouble focusing on and off
(still experiencing)
*left foot starting to feel numb, left hand acting up again
*hands feeling very week, unable to clench fists tight
(this is wearing off now
*feeling of disorientation, separation from reality
*intense headache
(still experiencing)
*still short of breath but getting better, hands feel stronger, vision still blurrey
*checking lips and nails for blueness, none seen so i KNOW its a panic attack
*Slight tingling ache between left shoulder and head
* Still slightly short of breathe but thankfully this is starting to make me feel better

1:03 starting to come around now, hands feel week still but the rest is wearing off, vision still bad and still slightly short of breathe, feel very cold now, but thing are returnng to normal.
This is how i usually get when i have a panic attack, thankfull this seems short lived, but normally they can last for hours or even days for me, i think this is just a build-up of stress.
left arm really aching but feeling better, i hope my experience written down may help some other people in the future, though always make sure, you are ok, dont take my experience as a guide caus everyone has different things, wow i feel better now, phew.

24-01-08, 01:29
i feel alot better now but i am really worn out so i`m going to bed, hope to see you all tomorrow, night night xxx

24-01-08, 01:48
hia you poor thing, what horrible symptoms --- you have done just the
right thing distracting yourself. I hope you get your rest, it is
exahausting feeling like this, and very frightening, I think there is so
much help on this site for this.
I force myself to make a cuppa and try again to relax,
but with trouble breathing and the panic swamping me, I
end up playing my play station until I fall asleep!
Not good I know BUT it stops my mind swirling and getting
into an anxious state. Thats why I'm up now at 1.40am
trying to keep calm and get tired so I can sleep.

Take Care annex

24-01-08, 02:56
Hi yeah i up late too been playing games on the arcade, not very good at them lol still just can't sleep tonight.
That sort of panic to go through 24/7 must take everything out of you, glad youv'e been able to get some sleep now
I do feel for you Deadgirl and hope that writing all the symptoms down has sort of released alot of the anxiety
Y'know "Deadgirl" is a very sad name to have:( :(
keep us posted on how you are
Take Care Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

24-01-08, 12:03
hey next morning, i`m ok now, yeah im a game girl too, got my ps2 and nintendo 64 to keep me occupied when im anxious, mind you panic attacks for me are such a headf**k its kinda hard to concentrate. Last night it was a little hard to sleep, but i got there in the end. I had a slight nightmare, i dreamt i was being attacked in a graveyard by wolves, whilst trying to find a friends grave.
Dead boys are a favourite band of mine, so i spose that does explain the name, although for a while i was suicidal and that name seemed to stick in my head, self destruction.

24-01-08, 12:09
hi so sorry to hear bout your experiences well don for writing them all down i bet it helped realease your anxiety a bit hope your feeling bit better .tc elaine xxx

24-01-08, 14:50
yeah i did help, i also though if anyones going through the same this it might offer a little comfort

24-01-08, 15:07
awwwwww i do wish you well your not alone we all understand honestly ive been threw all of that wat you described its not nice let me no how your going on pm anytime ok tc elaine xxx

25-01-08, 02:23
Forgive me for using this but I thought it might be helpful for others-

*my left hand starts to feel very week and numb, followed by entire left arm
(still experiencing)
-Tingling and numbness due to rapid shallow breathing causing oxygen/carbon dioxide imbalance.

*sudden hot flush, sweat, palpitation, pains in left arm
(still experiencing)
-The fear of what's happening to us.

*Obvious trouble breething, not rapid but just needing large breaths
(still experiencing)
-shallow breathing making us breathe more oxygen in.

*panic rushing through body
- Terrified with fear worrying what's wrong with us.

*anxious thoughts - what if heart attack, stroke, blood clot
(spent a little while reasoning with myself, not to tell parents and call ambulance AGAIN)
- The mixture of fear and worry making us fear the worst which intensifies the panic attack symptoms.

*Sudden blurred vision, trouble focusing on and off
(still experiencing)
- Leading to worst symptoms.

*left foot starting to feel numb, left hand acting up again
- More areas affected by more shallow breathing due to fear.

*hands feeling very week, unable to clench fists tight
(this is wearing off now
- The effects of the above making us feel weak.

*feeling of disorientation, separation from reality
*intense headache
(still experiencing)
- The effects of the shallow breathing, fear and worry.

*still short of breath but getting better, hands feel stronger, vision still blurrey
- Breathing begins to return to normal as the panic passes.

*checking lips and nails for blueness, none seen so i KNOW its a panic attack
*Slight tingling ache between left shoulder and head
* Still slightly short of breathe but thankfully this is starting to make me feel better
- We check ourselves to make sure we're ok which reassures us so our breathing returns to normal.

If we recognise the symptoms when they First start, remind ourselves what is happening and that it Will pass, don't allow fear to make the symptoms worse........then we can learn to control them.

Yes, I know it isn't easy when everything starts spinning but it is possible.

Also look beyond your panic symptoms. What's going on in your life that's creating them and look into treating them first. The stresses in your life could be what's causing them.:hugs:

25-01-08, 13:51
Hey thats a good idea, nothing wrong with using my experience for that, thats why i wrote it all down, yeah mines caused by a few things, clinical depression, panic disorder among them, ive been too stressed lately, its taking its toll. Resulting in my quiting my job just caus i cant do it anymore, gonna try find something more quiet for a while.