View Full Version : Numbness in arm

06-03-05, 08:40
Hi all

Could anyone reassure me about a feeling of numbness in my left arm, it feels like its not my arm, a little swollen almost and like it has lost its elatisically(sp? also it aches and tingles.
after research think its probably due to hyperventilation something im constantly doing at the moment
any ideas
love Longie

06-03-05, 11:23
Hi Longie

I think you have answered the question yourself mate.
I have suffered the same, also had numbness in my lower legs at one stage.
I also had really bad aches and tingling in both arms, it's all to do with lovely Mr Anxiety and the way he treats our bodies.
Give it time and it will ease.

Take care

Elaine x

06-03-05, 11:44
Thanks Elaine
i've had constant anxiety for 8 wks now and its really draining me and my family, i feel like life is a chore at the moment, ive been on 2 different meds for 6 wks now and can see no improvement. i find it so frustrating knowing that i'm doing it to myself with my own thought patterns but can't seem to find a way to break the circle,
if anyone has any advice let me know
thanks Longie

10-03-05, 09:45
Hi Longie,
I'm going through a bad bout of anxiety at the mo too. I also worry myself sick about physical health problems and get myself in to a right state. I find reading my self help books by Dr Claire Weekes REALLY helps!! They've been mentioned by quite a few people in the forum. They cover loads of symptoms of anxiety and help you to understand what's happening to you and eases LOADS of worry. Try them - They're in W.H Smiths or Waterstones, etc. I wish I'd discovered them years ago.
I've also had the arm thing. Had numbe fingers too. Dr said all connected with over breathing. Beta Blockers help too (Proprananol 80mg)
You're NOT going to feel like this forever...It's just a blip and it will pass when you learn that it's anxiety and you are NOT going to die from this. It's hard but we're all here to help.
Heebie .

11-03-05, 00:06
hi longie, its bound to be muscle tension from the stress of anxiety, i get every single time a panic attack is coming on. You have nothing to worry about

11-03-05, 15:51
Hi all

thanks for the ressurance i just keeping telling myself its the anxiety hope it works
love Longie xx