View Full Version : Work

24-01-08, 10:55
Hi all,

I am so fed up with coming into work, the jobs I get given are demoralising and boring.

I posted in "Misc" about work getting on my nerves - one particular colleague annoying me. Well, this happened just now - he knows full well I am gluten intolerant and yet he asks me if I want a cake from the shop. He stood there, smiling knowingly at me, thinking it was so darn funny. And its not :mad:

I asked him if he was deliberately winding me up, I said he knows I cannot eat normal cake. He commented I have a short fuse this morning to which I said "yes I do" and then some other colleagues just took the mick out of me for getting stroppy :mad:

Argggh! :wall: :wall: :wall:

I feel like I am given the rubbish no one else wants to do. The same guy was trying to find an excuse for me to organise something and coming up with stupid excuses so I made it clear I felt like I was being given all the cr*p. I felt good about actually - I might be a PA, but I'm not here to do all the boring jobs that everyone else doesnt want to touch!

I have felt a bit weird since yesterday evening. I was trying to read last night and my eyes felt weird. I kept seeing lines on the page that werent there so I had to stop reading. I know this is because I have been particularly stressed since yesterday, as I dont get the problem with my eyes normally.

Last night, I decided I should have a bath to relax myself, and for some reason the hot water wasn't working :mad: The one time I want a bath (I prefer showers) and the damn thing didnt work, which wound me up. So I ended up having a shower - not sure why the hot water wasn't working for the bath.

This morning I feel like I have been out on the drink the night before, even though I havent. My head feels heavy, I feel spaced out and I really dont want to be here. I should let what this guy says go over my head but I'm starting to let him know its bothering me, in one way I feel good but I also feel a bit bad. I guess I should be careful though because I dont want to get pulled up about it.

I just want to find somewhere else to work. I am trying but there's nothing I have seen at the moment :weep:

My boyfriend said I need to calm down otherwise it will reflect badly on me and I know this is right. But I'm fed up of taking this xxxxx

24-01-08, 13:58
Hi Lilith sorry your having a bad time at work, this guy is winding you up, if you can, ignore him for the ignorant being he is. If your a pa you should'nt have to do the rubbish I would stand my ground and be asertive without being agressive if you can, and say that you have'nt got time for these jobs. Failing that I would look for a new job as this one is giving you too much stress.:flowers:

24-01-08, 18:04
Hi Lesley, yes he's winding me up, doing a good job as well lol!

He went shopping this afternoon and had bought some crackers for the youth club he helps run. He looked at the packaging and said to a colleague so I could hear "Oh they've got gluten in, I better make sure none of the kids are gluten intolerant".

I ignored him and just pretended to be working. Maybe he doesnt actually realise how serious gluten intolerance can be. Either way I'm not going to rise to it because he obviously enjoys winding me up.

I'm looking for a new job, there's not much out there though. Will keep trying :)

24-01-08, 21:37
Aaw, sorry Lilith - this chap sounds like an itch you can't scratch.

But, if you leave it and don't sctratch, although it's uncomfortable for a while, eventually the itch goes doesn't it?

And you said it.......

"Either way I'm not going to rise to it because he obviously enjoys winding me up."

Well done for not rising to it - eventually he'll tire of it all I'm sure, and show himself up for the prat he is in the process I shouldn't wonder.

Try and keep on not rising to it eh? :flowers:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

25-01-08, 00:03

All i can say to you is if there is no remedy to the situation then to try to find another job asap.

You neither need nor deserve this from people who's small minds have nothing better to do. I live in a very small town and i dont drive so there arent many job opportunities here but there are a few-just keep looking, even if one every 2 weeks comes up you fancy then go for it. It may take a while but you will get there in the end.

You deserve better than this and there are some very understanding bosses as well as work colleagues out there so dont be afraid of change and go for it.

good luck and keep us informed on your progress-in the mean time keep your chin up and remember how much courage it takes just to get through a day at work with this illness-who's the bigger person-them or you?

Lou xxx

25-01-08, 00:10
Hi Lilith,

Sorry to hear about your problems at work.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I,too,have had the dubious priviledge of working with people like this.You wonder sometimes are bosses blind to this sort of behaviour.The problem seems widespread-no matter where you work there are idiots like this around.
Whatever happens,keep your chin up.
Best wishes,

25-01-08, 02:48
Patience Lilith:hugs: ,

He thinks he's being funny in trying to "tease" you but he doesn't realise what a P@@t he is in being so insensitive.

As the others say, don't rise to his bait and let his comments go over you. Don't lose your temper but just tell him calmly and "politely" to stop being ignorant in so many words because he has no idea what it's like to live with.

If you let him get to you, your stress levels will rise and you'll feel ill. Don't give him the pleasure of knowing he's winding you up or he'll keep at it. You need a longer fuse!

Keep looking for another job too!:hugs: