View Full Version : Re-learning how to breathe

06-03-05, 14:46
I have noticed recently (after 20 years of panic/anxiety/depression [Duh!]) that my breathing pattern is really screwed up. By this, I mean that I find myself holding my breath sometimes and sometimes I realize I am breathing heavily when I start experiencing some anxiety symptoms. It helps a lot to concentrate on this and try to regulate it somewhat.

Has anyone else noticed this?

06-03-05, 15:19
i certainly recognise it although it had to be pointed out to me that a lot of time i held my breath which would make me worse

fan x

06-03-05, 16:04

Yeah i have noticed my breathing changing. The worst i have felt is when i have woken up by it and i feel like i am gasping for air.

My CBT taught me breathing techniques for when this happened and i know people think breathing is the easiest thing in the world but when you are concentrating hard on it and trying to get it right, its hard work.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

06-03-05, 17:52

I know this is of little use to those living outside the UK, but the No Panic helpline 0808 808 0545 plays a breathing technique tape over the phone at nightime, 10pm to 10am. The tape can also be purchased from them for a £1.

I know how difficult it is to stop hyperventalating; its seems to be a mind of matter thing.

Breath in to a count of 4, through your nose, and again through the nose breath out to acount of 4. Do this at least twice a day, however you feel.

If you practice this enough, you will hyperventliate less often, and hopefully not at all in the end.


06-03-05, 19:42
I also notice that I do this. It takes effort to concentrate on breathing properly but it really helps when you are able to do this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

06-03-05, 21:08
Dear Sickofit

I know exactly where you are coming from, this is certainly one of my biggest problems at the moment, hyperventilating can take on different forms, one of which is 'air gulping' and feeling breathless. It takes alot of practice to get it right again.

I recommend you read Hyperventilation Syndrome, breathing pattern disorders, by Dinah Bradley. it's full of very helpful advice and reassuring! Just what we need most.

Love Ruth

06-03-05, 22:09
Go and have a lesson and learn to breathe correctly from any yoga/ Tai chi teacher.

07-03-05, 09:20
Hi there

Yes, I have this problem too, mainly holding my breath without realising it.


Thanks for the info, I'm going to try your technique today.

Take care

Elaine x

07-03-05, 11:05
Hi Sickofit
I hadn't realised how bad my breathing had become until I saw a rheumatologist late last year, he asked me loads of questions about my symptoms and concluded I was suffering from habitual chronic hyperventilation. I tend to go for ages without taking a breath and then taking a gasp of air in.

I was referred for physio and given advice about breathing. I was told to lie down 3 times a day (or as many times as you can fit in during a day) and concentrate on breathing with this exercise - breathe in through the nose NOT expanding the upper chest, you need to feel your abdomen rise instead say to a count of 4 then out gently through the nose for a count of say 5, does that make sense, keep the breathing slow and steady, not too fast? Gradually try to think about things other than breathing whilst doing this exercise to get used to breathing properly without thinking about it.

My breathing is made worse by a problem I have with my nose, which I'm due to have corrected tomorrow :( I'm hoping once I've had this done I can concentrate again on the exercises I was given.
