View Full Version : heart pain

24-01-08, 23:00
for the past few days i have been getting horrible pains that feel like its in the heart they are not sharp but they are a painfull dull feeling i also get the pain in my back and shoulder today i have had them worse i suffer from anxiety and im wondering if it could be that i havent had this before and im really scared its a sign of heart attack or a blood clot on the lung i am goin to try and get in with my doctor tomorrow but im scared he will just say its nothing without examining me he knows about my anxiety attacks please help put my mind at rest as im really frightend

24-01-08, 23:33
Hi Helen:D

Well Im no doctor but from my understanding a symptom of heart attack is a crushing pain in the centre of your chest!!!!!

As for the blood clot on the lung I had one of them many years ago and believe me you would be ringing 999 not wondering.....it is pure agony!!!!

Hope this puts your mind at rest.......sounds like that old bugger Mr Anxiety to me:hugs:

Kaz x:hugs: