View Full Version : any advice sick every morning

25-01-08, 09:10
Hi i get up in the morning and feel all over the place as i usually do. i take a drink of milk and then take my antidepressant, however i am usually sick and this morning brought up my medication that i had taken and continued to bring up the cup of tea i had drunk. any advice?

25-01-08, 10:02
Sounds very typical of an inner ear problem, ie an infection?
My husband has similar symptoms. Most balance/sickness problems are due to our ears.

26-01-08, 03:10
Could be due to low blood sugar. When do you eat last in the evening? If you have something to eat (doesn't have to be much) just before you go to bed, it won't be so long since you've eaten, and you may feel better in the morning. Just a suggestion.

26-01-08, 09:26
Do you eat anything before you take your tablet?

If you have a sensitive tummy you may find it better if you eat a little something like a biccie or toast before you have your tablet. Sometimes tablets hitting an empty digestive system cause nausea. Be worth a try

26-01-08, 10:06
for over 2 yrs i was sick several times a day,it finally got diagnosed as gastric reflux disease,i have to take some meds but,for the most part it has stopped the sickness,its also very much associated with anxiety.
i hope you find something that helps you soon
love ade x:flowers:

26-01-08, 10:08
hi id say take your medication with water and try to have a piece of toast or a biscuit before you have the medication then cup of tea it works for me as i found i was ill if i took tablets on an empty stomach i hope this helps take care Denize xxxxxx

26-01-08, 10:17
Thanks very much for all of your replies. i will try to have a piece of toast first. i also have acid reflux and am on medication for this even though i am kind of forgetting at the moment as i just feel so ill.x