View Full Version : breathing irregular

06-03-05, 16:49
hi all
why is it when you dont feel to bad some sort of symptom comes out of the blue and hits you for six, i went down to my local shops this morning felt fine until i realised where i was, i nearly started to panic but managed to control it, anyway when i got home, i was a bit out of breath, as i rode my bike, i had a drink of pop and my breathing started to be irregular, i wasnt breathing fast at this point, but i noticed it wasnt quite right, i started to think i was going to stop breathing and it took me a while to think otherwise, then i started to belch,if you got wind in your tummy can this affect the way you breathe, or is it all in my head.
i dont understand why i keep thinking about my breathing, and how your body reacts to this by the awfall breathing patterns i get now and again am i the only one who is obsessed with my breathing[?] most things to do with panic i can sort of control, but this i cant, why do i keep thinking im going to stop breathing, more to the point what if there is something wrong with my lungs, and will i stop breathing regards sue[Sigh...]

06-03-05, 17:06
ive done that a few times too nothing to woory about just the anxiety when i feel it comming on i take deep breaths and thats usual sorts it.

you wont stop breathing.

good for u on stopping ur panic atack when u were out.

06-03-05, 17:12
thanks taylor
the symptoms are so horrible,so uncomftable, you feel like somethings going to happen dont you. why do i keep thinking about my breathing, how does it affect you regards sue:)

06-03-05, 17:15
hi sue. lots with anxiety get amongst other things breathing probles. No you wont stop breathing, breathing is automatic and even if you tried holding your breath to stop breathing you wouldnt be able to. Even when u r sleeping you just automaticly breath like your heasrt beats and your liver cleans the blood. there is no need to control it so dont worry. take care Vernon

06-03-05, 17:22
Hi Sue

Goes hand in hand with anxiety, dont ever worry as you wont stop breathing, even though at times it feels like you will.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

06-03-05, 20:49
Dear Sue

This is a very common problem, and is a 'hallmark' of many anxiety disorders. I myself suffer from hyperventilation problems and sometimes feel like I cant get 'enough' air in almost like being breathless for no reason if that makes sense.

I recommend you read a good book called Hyperventilation Syndrome, breathing pattern disorders. The author is Dinah Bradley.

I have found this book very helpful, it explains everything. I hope you will too

Take care

Love Ruth

07-03-05, 09:23
Hi Sue

I have had this too, just another lovely symptom of anxiety!!
As the others say you will not stop breathing.

Take care

Elaine x