View Full Version : Tension Headaches and Dizziness

25-01-08, 14:20
Does anyone else experience dizziness with their tension headaches. I'll be watching TV or the newspaper and i'll all of a sudden feel not as though the room is spinning but as if my head is becoming congested and I can't focus on what i'm doing becuase the dizziness makes me feel as though i'm moving back and forth.

Then I get a strong pressure in my head like someone has a stack of books on top of my head and I have trouble concentrating. I usually end up and go to bed where in the morning it's better.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to treat this, I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday and I also see a chiropractor. My shoulders, neck, and jaw are very tense on the right side. I'm doing stretches to break it up but it hasn't been helping yet. At least that i've noticed....any suggestions?


25-01-08, 14:25
sounds like you have sinus problems aswel mate, your doctor will sort them, does the pain in your face get worse if you bend over forwards ??

25-01-08, 15:07
They did a CT scan of my sinus, but it came back all clear. The pressure is fairly constant and doesn't change much. The unsteadiness just drives me nuts and is slowing my recovery from anxiety.

25-01-08, 15:12
I get that too - my sholders are full of knots and it hurts all along my shoulders up into my skull and I feel like the room is shifting.Dr told me tension causing restricted blood flow to the head makes us dizzy

Wenjoy xx

25-01-08, 15:59
Is this just something I should live with? Or is medication necessary, will acceptance heal it?

28-01-08, 19:51
I have this right now. last night i was watching tv, I had a headache and i felt like I couldn't look at the screen because i was too dizzy. I woke up and still have it this morning. my shoulders and neck are very tight and they hurt as well. Not a fun feeling. Let us know if you find something to help.

01-03-10, 12:16
There is a group of muscles which control the neck and head, which come right over the scalp to the point above the eyes...when you get a tension headache it affects this whole area. As a therapist I would suggest an Indian Head Massage which apart from being a wonderful therapy,works all these muscle groups and will release any tension. Both dizziness and nausea are apparently really common side affects associated with Tension Headaches. Good luck!

01-03-10, 21:30
Yes your tension headaches can cause dizzyness.
One of two things I believe, 1. The blood flow can be restricted 2. You are worried about your headaches that your breathing may change your breathing, being through your chest rather than your tummy which leads to dizzyness.

Suggest you head out for a massage for some relaxation to help :)

01-03-10, 21:39
I frequently feel like this. Unfortunately I have just come to accept that it is one of those unpleasant symptoms of anxiety that there is no miracle cure for but relaxation can only help.