View Full Version : fainting ?

25-01-08, 14:58
i was wondering if anyone could tell me what the symptoms leading up to a faint are.
Fainting is my biggest fear and every time i get an uneasy feeling i think i am going to faint, this happens on and off all day long.
Every time i get lightheaded or feel a bit hot or sick or get funny eyes i think i am going to pass out.
I have never actually fainted even though i feel really bad so i dont really know what to expect.
It is my mind thinking the worse all the time, unfortunately this has lead to me not wanting to go out and driving is very difficult cause i keep thinking i will pass out at the wheel.
Any info will be greatly appreciated.

25-01-08, 15:04
Hi Helen

Hope this helps as it is impossible to faint as result of anxiety, your quite right in saying you fear your going too cos we all do.

However to faint your blood pressure needs to drop and fast triggering the reaction of fainting. Since we have anxiety our blood pressure is raised. so you see its actually impossible.

If you were to faint then there would be some other reason ie - not eaten or some other illness


25-01-08, 16:23
hiya.. as it says above 'it is impossible to faint due to anxiety' so there's no need to fear it. if you've never fainted its highly unlikely that you ever will

unfortunatly i am one who is prone to fainting... i have on many occasions - (every month id get period pains so bad i'd faint, ive fainted watching my mum have an injection, i fainted when i got my belly button pieced, plus lots more times)

leading up to all the times ive fainted i've felt extremely hot (as in my whole body has started to sweat - even my arms and legs), my vision has gone really blurry to the point i cant see anything then it turns into tunnel vision and my whole body feels like it turns to jelly... then i wake up :blush:

because ive fainted so many times i now know that if i do start to feel like im gonna faint all i need to do is lie down and relax and the feeling soon passes. an if someone can get you a sugary drink that really helps. there really is nothing to be afraid of. all it means is that you lie down with your eyes closed while you body does what it needs to do in order for you to feel better. there really is no need to be scared

25-01-08, 16:34
Hi Helen,

I have fainted once caused by severe pain but never because of a panic attack, and all I can say is that it happened to me so quickly that I didn't have time to panic!

25-01-08, 17:05
hi i also have a fear of fainting i used to do it alot when i was a kid, but not done so for about 9 years, when i start to panic i always think am going to faint which makes me worse because i have a fear of banging my head, but i can honestly say however much I panic i have never fainted so i should really tell myself, I am not going to faint when i panic but easier said than done EH? i understand how you feel thou if you want to talk about it feel free to PM me

Take Care

Emma x

25-01-08, 21:34
Hey :)

Fainting is also my biggest fear. I often feel a bit faint - and used to get it badly (panic attacks)

I have fainted a fair few times in my life, but never from anxiety. If I could have a pound for every time I've thought I would faint and didn't, I'd be extremely rich!

When people faint, I think the feelings vary. Whenever I've fainted, I've known nothing about it beforehand. I've felt slightly unwell suddenly, and then I wake up a little disorientated (and apparently tell everyone to **** off :ohmy:) The worst bit for me is waking up and not knowing what's going on. It only takes a couple of seconds though and then you realise. Sugar helps.

What Michelle said is true - you won't faint because your blood pressure rises during anxiety. Fainting occurs due to a lack of blood to the brain (caused by low BP) - and is your body's way of making you lie down, to restore the blood supply. There is one exception to this, and only with a specific phobia - yours isn't it :) so no need to worry.

I know believing it is far easier said than done, but the more you accept the feelings and accept that it feels bad but you won't faint, the sooner you'll start to recover.

I still have little relapses sometimes, and feel very faint. I know it will pass, but have got to the point where I'm more scared of panic than I am of fainting. Fear of fear I guess :blush:

xxx :flowers: