View Full Version : Funny feeling after meals?

25-01-08, 23:13
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else felt like this after meals, I was feeling slightly panicky about it.

I ate too much at lunch and afterwards I felt really full and bloaty, and sort of fuzzy like I wanted to go to sleep even though I had already gotten a lot of sleep, just really sluggish. My head was just really fuzzed out but I managed to finish some math homework. :shrug: My heart rate always rises after meals a bit and I was sitting sort of scrunched, I then proceded to have a total of two ectopics, and for some reason I felt better. I tried finishing a bisquit I had left over but I felt too weird after all of that. Sometimes I feel a bit low-level adrenaline-rushy too after meals like that for a couple hours afterwards, dunno how else to describe it, a sort of warm, buzzy feeling.

I usually have ectopics after large meals, though. I still feel a bit sluggish.

26-01-08, 03:19
Eating too much can make you feel like that, so don't eat too much!!

26-01-08, 10:06
your heart rate rises as your body neds the extra umph to digest the food. you will feel sluggish due to everything else slowing down to add more enegry to your stomach and your liver to get rid of all the food, quite normal, try eating smaller meals more frequently, like minin snacks rather than eatong big meals in one go, its better for digestion and also a lot kinder to your bodily functions, you may also lose a little weight eating that way too as your food get burned up better and doesnt sit there stored as fat.

flinty X

26-01-08, 10:21
hello, if you was to eat small meals frequently instead of a large meal in one go you would feel a lot better plus its better for your body as stated in flintys post its better for your digestive system i hope you give this a go you will feel better after eating good luck Denize xxxx

26-01-08, 13:09
Oh yea I get that sometimes.

Not often - but if I go out for a big meal or something and get over-full, I feel almost drunk, even if I've just been drinking water!

The others are right - don't eat huge meals, eat smaller ones with healthy snacks in between to keep you going.

xxx :flowers: