View Full Version : anxiety affecting sleep

25-01-08, 23:22
Does anyone else feel that anxiety and panic attacks affect there sleep patterns? I really feel so tired yet i'm so anxious and worked up that I can't actually sleep - i just sit in my room for hours when i should be sleeping. is this normal?

Rachey poos
25-01-08, 23:50
I actualy wake from sleep havin an awful attack then stay awake the rest of the night! awful... like ur body is fighting the slowing down and rest x

26-01-08, 03:22
One of my bad times for anxiety is when I'm in bed waiting to go to sleep. I'll be all drowsy and ready for sleep, then I get into bed and I'm wide awake with palpitations, ectopics and "funny breathing". I'll start to doze of, then wake up panicing. This was really bad for a while, now I can usually talk myself past it, but it's not very pleasant.