View Full Version : feeling physically ill

26-01-08, 11:13
I have been feeling unwell for some time now.
I cannot put my finger on anything specific, i just feel unwell like i have a fever or something.
I keep feeling hot/cold sick, lightheaded and weak.
I keep telling myself its anxiety because its been going on for so long, but every day i feel on the brink of collapse.
Its so hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel like this, i am too scared to move off the sofa at the moment.
The worse thing is that i cannot see an end to it, every day is the same.
I just want to feel well enough to be able to go out.
Feeling really down and sorry for myself.
Every day i wake up hoping for a better day but its always the same.
Oh well i will keep on hoping,

26-01-08, 11:18
Hi Helen,
Have you had blood tests to rule out any other problems?
It may put your mind at rest. I felt like that amongst other symptoms a few weeks ago and it was part of my anxiety.
I know how you feel. I hope you feel better soon.
Donna x

26-01-08, 11:18
i am sorry to hear you are feeling this way. i feel the same everyday also. it is like groundhog day. i so want to get better and am so frustrated at the moment. take care sheree

26-01-08, 11:36
I had a doctors appointment yesterday which i cancelled because i felt too unwell to go, i dont think it is helping in that i am having some womens problems at the moment and my period has been going on for about 3 weeks now, i have been told it is the menopause but i am worrying that something else is causing it and that is why i am feeling unwell.
I have made another appointment but its not for another 10 days so i am hoping i will feel better by then.
thanks for your replies

26-01-08, 12:12
Hi Helen

Its awful when we feeling so poorly, but you are doing the right thing to go get checked at the doctor. Anxiety does make us feel physically unwell, and over the xmas period I was feeling exactly like you are now. Turned out I had that virus that was doing its rounds and the best cure was plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids and look after myself. Think my body was run down with the stress of the build up of xmas but I was making it worse by panicking. Doctor said that the two were hand in hand. Being unwell made my anxiety worse then the symptoms became worse. Our bodies are all over the place when we anxious and maybe try accepting that today is a bad one, but with plenty of rest today may be a little better. If you not better by Monday, maybe try speaking to someone at the surgery and you could get seen quicker.

PS Ive felt the way you are feeling many times, and it was part of anxiety.
TAke care and keep resting, its what your body is needing :flowers:

26-01-08, 12:25
Hello Helen Sorry Ya Not Feeling So Well I Went Thru A Time Last Yr I Was So Sick Everyday Back And Fourth To Docs Every Test Even Tho I Have Had Anxiety Probs For 19 Yrs I Thot No Way This Cant Be Anxiety......well Came Down To Stress Anxiety Ect Still Cant See Why But Stress Can Do So Much....but Best To See Doc First To Have A Look At Ya.........i Wish Ya Well.............linda

28-01-08, 12:49
Hi Helen, I am Shirley and I have been troubled with anxiety/unreality 4 times now in a period of 30 years. The first time lasted a year, the second 6th months, the next time was 4 months and this time, over a year. I was so bad the first time I had anxiety that for a year, I felt like I was literally dying. I was only 19 and in 1976, no-one had much idea about anxiety etc so I was told I was just being stupid and I was living in sheer hell!! But the good news Helen was that it left me OVERNIGHT without reason, warning, explanation, answers or anything. I just got up one morning and the nightmare was over! So I understand how you feel when you say you are too scared to move off the sofa and feel like you are on the brink of collapse most days.

Sorry to hear about your womens problems too Helen and I have only just said on another thread that the anxiety/unreality always seems to feel worse when I am heading for my period, as I am now, heading for my period and the unreality is much worse today too. I am 50 years old by the way.

You need to relax as much as possible Helen and have something to occupy your mind. I dont know if you do crosswords or Sudoku or have an MP3 Player or soemthing. Anything to get your mind off how you are feeling. PM me if you want.

Best Wishes
PS. My kids want me to take them down town after school but am wary as I am feeling so unreal at the moment. I will take them if it gets less between now and then.

29-01-08, 02:18
i have been told it is the menopause but i am worrying that something else is causing it and that is why i am feeling unwell.

I seem to remember hearing that periods can be affected when women feel run down and by medications.....but I'm not 100% sure about the former because I'm not a woman!

I do know though that if we're feeling ill and we worry about why we're feeling ill then we'll feel even more ill because of the anxiety symptoms our worrying creates.

I know often we're afraid to ask the doctor Because we feel so afraid but only then can we be assured to stop our anxiety symptoms. Also of course it's better not to leave things too long even though we feel so afraid.

I'd push the surgery to get seen earlier if you still feel in pain because the sooner you're reassured, the sooner you'll feel better.:hugs:

29-01-08, 09:02
Hi Helen just thought I may suggest getting a doctor to come out and see you. I did this when my dizziness was really severe and I couldn't get off the sofa.

If your regular doctor doesnt do home visits maybe in the evening a locum could come out.

Just a suggestion, take care.

Christine xx :flowers:

29-01-08, 09:18
:) hi helenclaire, i hope you are okay? unfortunately i know it is hard to accept but anxiety can and does make you feel this ill:weep: i have had hot sweats for as many years as ive had anxiety, and ive on many many occasions mentioned it to docs. not one has ever taken it seriously - they know i have a long history of anx, and i have been angry about this alot in the past because i wanted another explanation.

but the truth is anxiety plays complete havoc with your body, you are activating hormones and systems in your body that are not meant to be working permanently, so it does make you feel physically ill.

also another thing is that a large proportion of women develop anx disorders after a child - or their anx becomes unmanageable after a child. the docs dont know for sure but their is a correlation between hormones and anx and pms is a condition that aggravates anxiety, so your hormones may be in a state of change(due to menopause) and this is having a big impact on your anxiety. you can get help for both conditions and their is lots you can do to try to help yourself. many women on here know there is a connection between their cycle and their anx/panic, but you can take measures to manage it. i hope this helps, please let us know how you are getting on? take care :flowers: emma

29-01-08, 11:13
Thanks for your replies,
I did manage to get a telephone appointment with the doctor yesterday. and she has arranged for me to have some tablets to control the periods.
I am feeling a bit better today although i have a bad headache.
I feel that at least something is being done although i am a bit nervous about taking the tablets but i do not think i could feel much worse than i already have.
I will still keep my appointment for next week though and will see how i feel by then.