View Full Version : so scared

celia davies
26-01-08, 11:52
keep having burning sensation in my spine up the top an like a pricking sensation quite hard 2 explain im scared ive got a tumour or somethin in my spine an now im having a panic attack please help me

26-01-08, 12:05

Sounds like muscular pain to me.Thats often a burning sensation especially common at the top of your back

H x

celia davies
26-01-08, 12:23
can u get that down ur spine? its really horribe keeps coming an going x

26-01-08, 12:34
Yes absolutely

Do you have any other symptoms?Have you been hunched over the computer etc?

celia davies
26-01-08, 12:43
feeling sick all the time i know its probably anxiety but theres this little thing in ma head saying its somethink else a hate being like this,do u hav these syptoms x

26-01-08, 12:56
I have had this symptom yes and it was muscle tension.Don't underestimate the pain it can cause,it can be really painful
Im sure its not serious at all.Do you have anything to do today?

H x

celia davies
26-01-08, 13:56
no not really ment 2 b going out 2 nite but c how i am,its not causing that much pain its more of a discomfort if yu know what i mean,thanks for your replies its really helped x

26-01-08, 15:32
You are welcome

Going out will do you good,even just for a little while.Hope you have a lovely time

26-01-08, 15:39
I'm having the same thing at the moment....I too am panicking that it is some internal organ cancer as my pain is mostly lower back...pain extends out to the top of my pelvis...I'm sure on the one hand that it is muscular pain...but it has me in a bit of a state...do others get chronic continuing low back pain with their anxiety???
