View Full Version : OMG I think I have skin cancer!!!!

always scared
27-01-08, 02:27
This is my second post . I am now completely conviced that the spot on my lower back is melanoma.
I fist noticed it quiet a while ago . I thought it was just a red bump maybe a pimple or a cyst I can't remember now.
I just looked at it yesterday for the first time real close. It now looks like a light brown spot with a very small lump still there
I am so convinced and in a total panic that I'm going to die. I can't even remember how long I've had it. The size is smaller then a pencil eraser it's not completely round It's light brown in color.
OMG I'm so scared !!!!! The reason why I'm so scared is It's been there for a long time now but it wasn't always brown I think it was red before. OMG I can't remember any more
O god someone please help me I so freaken scared I can't even think straight. I've already taken a Ativan and it's not helping.
Can someone please help calm me down!!!!!!

always scared
27-01-08, 02:54
Oh wow I really wish someone was on here right now.
I think I should take another ativan and try to go to bed

27-01-08, 10:43

I know how you are feeling, I was convinced I had a mole that had changed and because of health anx I convinced myself it was itchy and changing. I think when we panic our mind focuses on the bad and you seem not to be able to remember when you last checked it etc etc.

If you are that worried please go to the docs as they can look at it and see, at least then you can put your mind at rest.

I have been so many times about various moles and they say they wish more people came to get their moles checked out.

I have got better and try not to panic but I know thats not easy

TC and if you wanna PM me anytime - feel free



I hope you were able to get some sleep.

always scared
27-01-08, 14:44
OMG I'm way to scared to go to the doctors now. It's been there so long that it's for sure cancer and to far gone.

always scared
27-01-08, 14:49
Mine was never a mole . From what I can remember it started out looking like a red bump/pimple. It was like that for a while then I think it got a little smaller but I'm not sure. Now its light brown in colour with a very small lump .

24-03-08, 14:15
Have yoy had any bites recently from mosqutos(can't) or similar thing, I have two odd lumps that were red, now there lighter almost clear, I have had skin cancer and my doctor say's sometimes bites can turn into spots and thats what mine are.