View Full Version : I think I am having a panic attack

27-01-08, 09:04
I have been up for hours now! Since 2am. Last time and tonight is the same thing. I have something really weird happening. I have like gas bubbles in my chest at my heart and they travel a bit up. IT IS MAKING ME SO NERVOUS! I am so scared :weep: I have been look all over the internet and I can't find someone who has ever had this. I would be less scared if it was not near or on my heart. It's bubble like as if you had an upset stomache but it is in my chest. I feel like I am about to die. I am scared. I don't take any medications. I am scared of them. I can barely take tylenol. I only take it if I really have to which is not often. Like three time in five years. I suffer the pains as much as I can.

27-01-08, 09:37
hiya :hugs:

well from when you have sead it sounds like mabe you have had a few ectopics
i get them all the time every day they just just how you have sead it is your heart missing a beat and what you feel is the next beat being a little stronger. you can get an extra beat to that feels much the same, i have had heart scans ecg,s everything and my heart is fine as i am sure yours is there are so many ppl on this site who have the same do a search on ectopics and see if what ppl say about them seems to be the same as what your getting

jodie xxx

27-01-08, 20:49
It could be ectopics but it could also just be gas. I get the same thing in my chest as if I would my stomach. It is really odd. Sometimes I can get really bad wind pain in my stomach that lasts for days and the same can be said about my chest. I have been to a cardiologist and have been checked out and everything is fine.

Once I pass the gas everything is fine and I was worrying over nothing. It has all just been trapped wind because of reflux (and I suffer with alot of reflux).

From someone who does suffer from ectopics, I definitely know the difference.

I would go and see my GP just to get it all checked out but I am sure that you will be fine.

27-01-08, 21:02