View Full Version : I can't change the way I think

27-01-08, 09:34
and it scares me more!! All I do is "check" and read into any symptom I have.

For two days now I have had bubbles in my chest. They start right near my heart. I wish they were on the other side of my chest! I have been searching the internet and I can't seem to find anyone else that has had this. It is really making me scared. It is like when you have an upset stomache and you have gas bubbles in your stomache. Well I have it in my chest. FREAKING ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't take meds for my anxiety or anything else for that matter. I am too scared.

I am falling apart :(

27-01-08, 11:07
just read yr post not sure about the feelin u ave got right now but u can bet yr live the more u think about it the more u ave it i also bet if somthing was to distact u even for a few seconds it wouldnt be there i no i do this all the time with so many diffrent thing as for meds same here far to afraid to take any thing i rember going to my docs once and he opend is book to see wat to give me and i said to him unless there is a pill in that book that changes the way i think dont bather and he said oh well wat else can i do he put me on a list for counciling with mental health team who had seen me once before they turned me down i thought god i must be beyond repair lol but then they changed there minds and sent me a councilor who i was workin with for a tear i began to notice snall changes wich was good for me as i ave sufferd since i was 12yrs old on and off but got worse wen i was older i am now 52 and still lookin for a cure my councilor had to leave and they never replaced her that was in 2005 now back to square one opps sorry for going on as it dont realy help u apart from wat i say the more yr aware of it the more u will ave it i sometimess feel like some thing id filling up in my chest wich is strange feelinf and as it happens my heart starts to race bet yrs does to any way pm any time i am sure over the 30 yrs i ave had alot of symptoms bye for now trish xx

27-01-08, 16:05
Trish thank you!

You are right if I do not think of it. ...... it is not there! I should not be surprised.

27-01-08, 20:52
Hi Snuggles

I reflied to your other posting regarding the bubbles in your chest.

27-01-08, 21:09
You CAN change the way you think and if you do you will be able to put most of your anxieties behind you! Join a CBT group or read books on CBT and start doing the exercises that teach you how to stop worrying like the TEA form exercise and the putting things back into perspective exercise. It is hard work initially but if you work on these exercises everyday they will replace your old destructive thinking habits with new healthier ones. I am living proof it can be done and there are plenty of other posters on here telling the same story:yesyes:

28-01-08, 02:10
Anxiety is completely horrible, it truly is amazing what our minds can do. But if we put the power behind thinking as positive as possible I think we may find a way to get better. I believe there is hope for all of us and this forum is an excellent start.
Lots of hugs to you :hugs:

29-01-08, 21:50
Hi Alisonj,

I love the tone of your note but wanted to clarify one thing I learned through CBT. CBT is about thinking objectively and keeping from blowing things out of proportion in our minds, and although it leads to a more positve outlook, CBT is not to be confused with positive thinking. I learned that if our positive thoughts are not grounded in reality they are not of lasting use. I know it is splitting hairs but the difference has proven to be a difference maker in my success with my anxiety and I wanted to share it:)

07-05-08, 01:37
How's it going snuggles? I hope you are having more success with your anxiety:)

07-05-08, 11:21

i just wanted to reply ie bubbles in your chest .
i get ectopics heart beats and when i first started to get them years ago that what i sead to my doc i get a bubble feeling in my chest he knew right away what it was told me they are normal and i would be fine anyway i got very scared of them that made them worse i asked for more tests that they did do ,heart scan bloodsy 24 hour tape ect all came back ok .

jodie xxx

14-05-08, 01:51
Glad they came back okay Jodie:yesyes: