View Full Version : time to get to the bottom of this

27-01-08, 10:14
ok, i'm not just worried now, i'm p****d off too. let me explain the whole story...

ok, so about 2 months ago, i started getting this really, really mild headache in the top right of my forehead. for about 3 weeks, i ignored it, it was so slight, most of the time unless i thought about it, it wasn't there. then i started asking my mum about it (i'm a 16 year old male) and she said "don't worry about it, it will go away" but it didn't, but it wasn't getting worse. so she suggested i drink more. i was convinced i had a brain tumor or something.

it's very hot here in australia (like close to 40 degrees centigrade) and at school, i don't drink or eat very much, i don't know why, it's just because i can't really be bothered and the thought of a dry sandwich at school is so unappealing.

anyway, so every day i woke up and first thing i did was have a full glass of juice in the mornings and drank lots during the day, and like magic, the headache disappeared the first day i started doing this.

after a week of no headaches, on the last day of school for the year, i felt a strange dizziness for about 10 minutes and slight nausea, but that went away. when i got home that day i felt dizzy/lightheaded and my mum suggested i was just tired/weak and i needed some food. the next day i still felt dizzy but i wasn't so worried about it.

for about a week, i was worried sick about it and it got really, really bad, my head just felt completely wobbly and i had to keep my head against a pillow/lie down to make myself feel decent. however, it got better and almost went away as i convinced myself i didn't have a brain tumor. since then (about a month) it's been up and down, sometimes it's barely noticable and other days it's pretty bad (but never as bad as it was in that first week). i went to have my eyes tested because in my right eye i have a slight astigmatism which means my right eye only has 99.75% vision (lol). she inspected both my eyes with every damn test and instrument and said my eyes were completely and exceptionally healthy.

i decided enough was enough and we went to the doctor. she couldn't figure out what was wrong with me and sent me to have a brain scan and a blood test. this scared the hell out of me. a brain scan? what's going on?

we didn't go for the brain scan but we did go for the blood test. a few weeks later (weeks of intense worry) and the doctor said i have an iron and folate and vitamin b12 deficiency. so the last 2 weeks or so, i've been trying to eat as many foods as i can from the list she gave me, foods that are high in folate/iron. i looked up both deficiency and they both say dizziness is a symptom, but i still feel dizzy.

the other thing is, if i'm tired and i look at a blank wall, i see really small spots on it, like ants or something but if i try to look at them they just go away, this started about 2 weeks ago.

goddamit, i'm so angry and annoyed and confused and scared and worried all at the same time, i feel like i'm losing my mind.

i don't have any other symptoms apart from the ones i described. no tingling limbs, i havn't passed out/had a seizure, my eyesight isn't blurry, nothing, just the dizziness and the spots in my vision. i suspect the spots are a symptom of my intense anxiety. i've never been more worried in my whole life before the last month. it's school holidays and all i do every day is play guitar and try to get my mind off this but i just can't.

i don't know if i should go for another eye check up because the optometrist said my eyes were absolutely perfect. everyone i talk to seems to say "you're fine, don't worry about it" but the dizziness is still here.

when i turn my head from side to side it's worse, but if i'm just standing/sitting somewhere my head will "wobble" a bit.

there were a few days about 3 weeks ago when i said to myself "snap out if it!" and it was about 90% gone, but i started obsessing and worrying over it and it's back.

it just seems to go on what my mental state is in, if i'm occupied (not just playing a game or something) and not worrying about it, IT'S NOT THERE. i'll be at work and then think "hey, i'm not dizzy" then it will just come back.

jesus christ, my life has turned upside down the last month or two and this is really pissing me off. school starts again in about a week so i'm desperately hoping it will take my mind off things. i've posted on numerous forums but to no avail.

sorry for the long post, but i really, really needed to get that off my chest.

any help is appreciated.

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27-01-08, 11:22
i get the dizzy spells to have been aveing them queit alot realy sacrey for me to and i am 52 i use to ave them off on and over the years and i do suffer from health anxiety panic attacks and agraphobia as when i was young i was a bit like were u are now so afraid and did not no wat the hell was wrong with me in fact i was 12 whenit all began but trust me u wont suffer all the years i ave as there is more help around now more people listenin and helping u to understand me i was told nothing is wrong that was it till i was near on 40 by time i new i was suffering anxiey panic and agraphobia as back in 60s never herd of theses things infact i bet people must have thought i was gargar in head loli am sure it is a mild attack of anxiety as some times we are anxiose about things we are sure we are in control off yet not if that makes sence to u hope this helps i am sure with a lot of relaxtin it will calm down as i bet the more dizzy u get the more anxiose you will be and so on any way by for now trish xx ps i ave a sister in australia she lives in brisbane in fact she comein over next friday for a visit 8 yrs since last visit xx

27-01-08, 11:30
yeah, the thing that worries me the most i think is, just not knowing.

not knowing what's wrong with me. i need to find out for sure what the issue is. if i can prove it's anxiety, i'll be happy.

27-01-08, 13:34
Hiya Fourie :)

Poor old you :hugs:

Ok - when you saw the Doctor, did she check your ears? It's possible that you have an ear infection that can cause balance/dizziness problems. I must admit that the brain scan does sound slightly extreme, but if you are really worrying, it might be a good idea, just to put your mind at rest.

I think far more likely than brain/ear/eye problems, is that you're just very anxious. When I say 'just', it doesn't mean I take it lightly. Anxiety can be a very real problem.

You said that when you are not thinking about it, it goes away. That tells you instantly that it is anxiety you're dealing with. I am the same....if I'm occupied, I don't feel dizzy. If I then think 'oh good I'm not feeling dizzy', I start feeling dizzy!

It's important to try not to 'scan' your body for symptoms, because you will always find something. I don't think you need to see the Optometrist again, since they have given your eyes a clean bill of health.

When you go back to school, make sure you are eating and drinking properly. Heat, dehydration and low blood sugar always make us feel worse. I know you can't do anything about the heat (I've been to Oz and remember it well :winks:) but you can make sure you eat and drink enough.

The most important thing you can do is to try to stop being vigilant in looking for symptoms. I know it's hard, but keep your mind occupied, and remind yourself that you are young and healthy, and there is nothing wrong with you.

Good luck

xxx :flowers:

27-01-08, 13:45
no, the doctor did not check my ears, which is strange since doctors usually do no matter what you go for.

she checked my blood pressure though but that seemed normal.

if it is something wrong with my ears, the only thing i could think of would be exposure to loud amps at home and at school but i'm very doubtful...

i know all about the power your mind has over your body and i know anxiety can really screw you up.

thanks a heap for reading through all that, it was very encouraging.

i like your two quotes too.