View Full Version : Hormones

27-01-08, 16:13
Hiya i was wondering do hormones have an effect on anxiety symptoms? Around the time when im due my symtoms get worse, heart pounding, lightheadedness i am taking propranol and these help my symptoms, they dont go completely but they do get worse at the time of the month. Any info would be gratfully recieved. Thanks Cheryl:winks:

27-01-08, 16:52
Hi Cheryl,

:mad: PMS SUX! :mad:

I for one always feel heaps worse and more depressed about a week before mine comes. Even though I know it's because my 'P' is on the way, it still doesn't help to lesson the feelings. I just wish that Doctors would allow as to be spayed as soon as we don't want anymore kids. I sometimes I wish I was a cat.
Sorry I can't offer any help - I just thought I'd let you know that I get the same symtoms as you do.
Love SJ

27-01-08, 18:01
I know how you feel,i always feel more on edge at this time of the month i guess it is the build up of hormones making our bodies more sensitive.
I dont know the answer unfortunately but its a good excuse to take some time out and try to relax.
Take care

27-01-08, 18:09
I also know mine is a lot worse around then.

Love Sandyjanexxx

27-01-08, 20:31
I am fairly sure that hormones play a huge part in my ectopics and lately I seem to get more when it is that time of the month. More ectopics make me more anxious.

27-01-08, 22:31
yes def, im getting worse too the older i get! about halfway through cycle i feel really anxious then few days before due. its awful. can only be hormones as theres no other reason for it most of the time.


27-01-08, 22:57
Thanks everyone, it's reasurring that it happens to others too. I've spoken to my mum about this as she suffered from anxiety too and said hormones do play a big part. Lol i do agree Sarajane, wouldn't it be fab! Anyway ta everyone its a great help knowing im not alone:)

29-01-08, 18:23

Yep its time of the month here, and all weekend I have had ectopics, I have felt rubbish and have cried for every stupid reason.

Definitly a link....

Shaz x

29-01-08, 23:37
Yes, hormones definitely cause a ton of symptoms. I read somewhere once that there are literally hundreds of symptoms associated with PMS, depending on the person. I know I always get depression, mood swings, fast heart rate, stomach trouble, fatigue, and increased anxiety. Isn't it wonderful?