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View Full Version : Dizziness (I think because of coffee)

27-01-08, 20:41
Has anyone else ever had this. I was up pretty early yesterday morning and then was out and about for most of the day and was pretty tired when the afternoon came around but couldn't have a snooze. My husband and I went out to our relations for dinner and at about 9.00pm my relation asked me if I wanted a cappuccino. Now I don't normally drink coffee and the last time I had one was at Xmas. Also, when I have coffee I normally drink instant as the one I had last night was made from a coffee machine. Anyway, gradually after that I started feeling really tired and dizzy. We came home and I still felt like this. I didn't sleep my full 8 hours last night and I have woken up still effted with the dizziness and I feel really tired.

Could the dizziness be because of the caffeine or because of not getting enough sleep over the past couple of nights. I think it might be the caffeine and the fact that I am not used to it. My mind of course is running the whole gammit of things - inner ear infection, heart problems (as I do suffer from ectopics but suprisingly haven't had any), stroke or any number of things!

Any advice would help. :)

tayside lassie
27-01-08, 21:01
hiya lizziet ,if youve been busy and on the go last couple of days thats what it will be lack of sleep ,i wouldnt think it would be coffee and you mentioned your ears do you get ear infections ? that can cause terrible dizziness .


27-01-08, 21:04
Thanks for that - no I have never had an ear infection.

I am fairly sure that I am just over tired. I have had a really big week as I started my new job and am extremely busy and still in the learning phase so I am probably just worn out from that and it is all just catching up with me!!

17-02-08, 14:33
I get dizziness with my anxiety and coffee does make it worse as it makes the heart beat faster and any tension headaches will feel worse due to this. I drink herbal tea now, ALL THE TIME. I think I'm becoming addicted to it lol x all good though as they have natural calming properties and are great for flushing out your system... xx