View Full Version : Strange Feeling

fretty freda
27-01-08, 23:13
my hands feel strange !

i feel like i cant feel things properly its not pins and needles but it just feels different whats wrong it scares me

anyone else get this?

27-01-08, 23:31
Hi Fretty Freda
my hands feel funny on and off all the time. Like they're heavy and clumsy and slightly numb. I put it down to anxiety.

28-01-08, 13:09
I get this especially down the little and middle fingers to the point where they are numb and can't feel anything...quite certain it is anxiety.


28-01-08, 16:26
My hands often feel weird like they don't belong to me.I feel as if they wont do what I want them too...strange

tayside lassie
28-01-08, 22:12
the hand thing can be a symptom of anxiety ,it also sounds like you girls have symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome .

fretty freda
29-01-08, 18:31
what is carpal tunnel syndrome ?

tayside lassie
29-01-08, 22:34
hiya its something that runs up your arm from your hand it causes some of the symptoms that you mentioned .if you Google carpal tunnel you get loads of info on it .my first symptom was my thumb going numb dead feeling in hands when i got up in the morning from sleep .

fretty freda
30-01-08, 19:43
i have not got carpal tunnel syndrome i googled it and its more anxiety for me i think

tayside lassie
30-01-08, 22:50
thats good then just thought i would mention it as the post i read sounded like the symptoms i have , i need an operation for them but i hate hospitals and with my anxiety id rather not put my self through it .


31-01-08, 17:47
does it feel like an intense weekness, like cold andweek, thats what i get, it drives me mad, caus its like its not pins n needles but it feels like it should be lol

tayside lassie
31-01-08, 19:39
hiya ,there is loads of different symptoms , yes it can feel weak sometimes ,do you mean the hands cold like its frozen ,like youve slept on it all night ? see mine feel like that back and forward throughout the day , im a smoker and sometimes the ciggie will fall out my hand ,i cant stay on the phone to long the hand goes frozen with a burning searing sensation,when im ironing it feels like the iron handle is three times its size , it also wakens me during the night the hands feel hot/cold sensation ,terrible pain ,numb just no feeling at all . if you Google there is loads off info about it ,but it can also be anxiety to you know that tingle ,pins and needle in hands ,feet ,and face .a big epic Ive gave you but hope it helps .


31-01-08, 23:35
i get that feeling just befor i panic it must be anx