View Full Version : My turmoil tonight

28-01-08, 01:02
Well there I was having quite a alright nights sleep when all of a sudden i jump out of my sleep,covered in sweat having the worst anxiety attack ever. I am convinced I am going to have a epileptic fit even though I am not epileptic or have ever had a fit of any sort. The more I am thinking of my symptoms the more fainter I feel,the more light headed and now I feel I am going to have a heart attack because i am having heart palpitation and my fingers feel tingly. I open the window and prop myself against it feeling the fresh air on my face,repeating *I am fine,there is nothing wrong with me* over and over again. I feel ok now, writing it down...instead i feel so fedup and depressed for feeling like this...i just want to feel normal again, i used to be carefree and worry free..ive jumped out of planes and gone deep sea diving...im a shadow of my former self but i refuse for this to beat me and one day i will be 100% again, it is this thought that gets me through each night.

28-01-08, 01:15
Hi sali, i am sorry to hear of your troubled sleep, i pretty much always get the night anxiety and its horrible i know, i'm glad you feel a bit better now and you will with every minute that goes by. you are doing the right things to help yourself get better, positive thinking and determination, i admire you for jumping out of planes and u will do it again, i'm only 19 and have yet to enjoy life to its full but like you i also am not going to let this win, if we stick together we'll all get there in the end. i hope you feel better soon and g=can get back to sleep.


28-01-08, 02:06
My anixety is usually in the evening and night as well. In November I had to stay in the hospital overnight for observation and I awoke with a panic attack and they caught it on the EKG. My heart rate was 140! It was crazy but I was glad that they actually got something so I didnt feel like they didnt believe me.
Now at night I take Ativan. I only take one and it really really seems to help get me throught the night.
I really hope you have a good night sleep and things settle for you!:hugs: