View Full Version : night as per...

28-01-08, 04:45
i kinda replied on someone elses thread but really want advice...

I woke up after a horrible dream of my boyfriend leaving me. it wasnt just that though, it was cold, like he never cared. when i woke up i was proper freaking out. i have a lot of other stresses such as exams and moving house at the mo so i am sure that contributed.

Now my boyf is great during the day at helping me through but he really gets grrrrr at me if i wake him up at night, ignores me, falls back asleep and forgets i even woken him.

i have no worked myself majorly up but i have kept my breathing calm. thing is i now have a masive pain in the back on my head and that side of my face is feeling quite numb. am really scared i am having a blood clot or an annurism or something.

all advice would be grand

28-01-08, 09:38
Hi, sorry to hear youv'e had a bad night,I don't think there is anything wrong with you, my face goes numb sometimes and it is nothing. Pain in your head is probabley stress. As to your boyfriend if he gives you support during the day thats great , my husband does not like being woken at night and pretends he's asleep, I think it's a bloke thing. Try not to worry and try and relax,I know it is hard but i am sure there is nothing wrong.
Take care of yourself:hugs: :hugs: