View Full Version : can people get tension headaches...

28-01-08, 04:48
...in the back of their head like their skull? and is numbness in the face mega weird? really freaking out like i am gonna die now

28-01-08, 05:19
Hey Jen,

Yes, tension headaches can definitely have these effects on the head and face. Sometimes, I have them to such an intense degree, that I don't even want to move at all. You might have a lot on your mind or going through a big transition, both are just some of the many things that can trigger these.

A couple of ideas that can help immediately, are taking a couple of pain relievers and then placing something cool on your eyes and on the back of your neck. If you have a recliner or a comfy chair, you can relax with them until you get some rest and feel some relief.

I hope this can help in some way and that you will feel better.


David (NewDawnFades)

28-01-08, 09:28
Hi Jeni,

I get a lot of tension in the back of my head and neck and it goes down into both shoulders and causes a lot of pain. You are not alone with this hun :hugs: xxx

28-01-08, 12:35
Yes...I used to get them huge...pain radiate up from the top of my neck over my head around my eyes (often cause the eyes to start twitching)...sometimes last so long the pain would turn to pins and needles....I found chiropractic helped for these...unfortunately now I get my tension pain loweer down my back and in my abdoman as the chiropractor can't fix that as well as he did the headaches.


28-01-08, 18:15
Gee whizz. yeah i have them constant. i have it right into the back of the skull, above my forehead,my nose and my teeth. it is really horrible.