View Full Version : i sooo hate the bad days

28-01-08, 05:18
ive been doing ok lately- those of you who have read my messages know im doing things now i could not of imagined...in the last few weeks i was have been even able to go out in the day in shopping malls with hardly any trouble whatsoever....i guess i was starting to feel like im finally winning the battle against anxiety GAD....then today- all i did was go to the supermarket, like i do lots, but for some reason today was awful....i went in, and got so lightheaded i had to hold onto the trolley for dear life...i decided to just get the absolute basics i need, then go, by the time i got to the checkout, i was sweating and feeling hot- as you all know, those places are airconditioned....so of course, im thinking at first, this is stupid, im not afraid of anything...then when the symptoms got worse...i started freaking out ...again...'theres gotta be something wrong with me...docs is closed,....i need a blood test etc...blah blah..i go through this every time this happens...its just not happened in a while....

im supposed to start work in like a week and now im worried theres something seriously wrong with me....i was only at my docs like a week ago......and of course now im home i feel ok again...just did 4 loads of washing, so surely cant be ill......
anxiety disorder is by far the worst thing ive had in my life...i would so rather a vomiting illness that went away in like a week....but this dragging on...months, years.....a year and half of mostly feeling unwell and dizzy with headaches...ughhhh..........so much time wasted, i so so so want my life back....
guess this has turned into a bit of a winge...thankyou for listening.....

28-01-08, 05:53
Hey Peach,

Yeah, I have been reading about how well that you have been doing. I must say that I am very happy to hear about how much forward progress you have made. Please don't allow this sudden spell to cause you any doubt about validity of that progress. Honestly, I know this all too well. This happens, and it is up to you to consider whether or not you are going to keep staying strong and going forward, or not. The best, and most difficult in many instances, thing that you can do, is go right back to the same place that this anxiety spell occurred as soon as you can. This is important, because you keep yourself from retreating from there, in the future.

I want to give you some added encouragement here, especially due to the fact that you have already displayed what strength really is. Simply go back and re-read some of the postings that you have had in the past. You will begin to see the wonderful progress that I talked about earlier. For many of us here, it sincerely warms our hearts to read and hear about those who are focused on taking the necessary steps to feeling and living better. So, please don't look back, and stay strong...You owe that much to yourself!!!

Please take good care of yourself...

David (NewDawnFades)

28-01-08, 11:18
Hi Peach

You are doing so well so as David says, dont let this one event get you down too much.

Its a bad analogy but if you're on a diet and one day you might end up eating a donut or having a pizza, then that doesnt mean the whole diet has been messed up. You just carry on from there and get back on track.

I am sure there is nothing seriously wrong with you hun, panic attacks can give us horrible symptoms and the ones you describe are ones I can relate to. Well done to you for still managing to go around the supermarket, that must have been really tough, but you did it!

Dont beat yourself up over this, and dont let it set you back, you're doing so well xxxxx

28-01-08, 14:40

You have been doing so well and Im a bit like you in my progress,

However, if its any consolation, Im just back from Tesco, on my own and was completely fine before I left the house, got there, got parked, got trolley, entered shop (ive been there a thousand times before!!!) and wham..............lightheadedness, and hanging on to the trolley for grim life. I did consider leaving but I mademyself continue, you know the feelings, got a few things to keep me going the next few days and by the time I got home was all clammy and shaky. Like you I still struggle with the what ifs, must go and get my blood sugar levels checked, there is something wrong, etc, etc.

Why does it happen, ive no idea, think its just part of the recovery, ive been like this for 11 yrs and its not progressed into anything sinister but its still scary when it happens.

See this as a setback,accept it and move on, Im trying to :flowers:

Luv and hugs

Darkangel x

28-01-08, 23:41
hi all and thanks so much for all your support! its so appreciated and so wonderful. i just dont get this from anywhere else, family included.

todays no better then yesterday. still getting 'sick' spells and feeling hot etc. i just hate it..and although im 'sleeping' like 7 hours a night, i know i keep waking and tossing and turning, so im tired which makes symptoms worse.

im gonna keep fighting it, and yes, will definalty go back to that store. im refusing to let this totally rule my life, it already controls so much.

i so wish there was a miracle cure we could all just take a tablet and bam, all symptoms are gone for good as to teh anxiety...gosh what i would pay for that...lololol....id love to go on meds if just to get rid of the symptoms, but i tried steraline? and it was just awful, do all meds like this make you feel like you head is being fried? ive got prescription for xanax.....better go to the meds forum.....

does the 'relapse' times ever go more then a day for others?

29-01-08, 11:21
We need anxiety, but we don't need it when it causes us problems. For instance, if the house was on fire and we didn't get anxious that would be weird and unhelpful. Can you try and look at this as something that's been there, its going, and from time to time will pop up, but you can handle it, it wasn't the end of the world, the same with Dark Angel, you both handled it, your going forward, and your still here. Well done both of you for handling things.

30-01-08, 00:36
I hope you got the Listerine!
Phill :shades:

30-01-08, 01:39
well, went back to that supermarket.....still sweating, but no dizzyness....yayayay!!!!

and would you beleive, my card didnt work, so i had to go to the bank, get the money out and go back to the cashier and pay, and get my items, so embarissing..lolol...BUT..... no freaking out, i felt very calm the whole time...

AND.....i even went into the docs and made an appointment for tomorrow for a skin check- wow! little scared, but glad im doing it. so thats another examination i can tick of my list as done. next one i plan is the dentist....ahhhhhhh...lol.....:ohmy:

and yes phill....got the listerine...hahaha......started working streight away!cheek sores gone down, your a legend for that advice!!! :yesyes: