View Full Version : Am seeing an "intuitive healer"

28-01-08, 07:28
He was recommended by my GP who is a bit alternative. Anyhow I had my first session with him last Friday and have to say he was very good. He's given me some exercises (visualisation exercises) to do morning and evening. I spent an hour and a half with him going over my health anxiety (which my Mum has too) and we talked about its origins.
He used various techniques such as hypnosis and got me visualising my fear as a ball of energy inside me and asked me to give it a colour (black for me) - then I had to visualise it rising through my body and leaving through my mouth. Then he asked me to name the opposite of my fear (for me that was a peaceful joy of life) - I then had to give that a colour (I chose blue) and imagine the ball of energy change from black to blue and then breathe it back in. After that I had to visualise it expanding in me to fill my body and then surround me with a protective shield. It sounds mad but it honestly DID help me - I am doing this morning and evening then will visit him again in two weeks. He said that if other issues come up before then I need to write them down so we can work on them at my next visit. He says I'll only need three appointments and the three are costing me less than £100 in total - the first session alone was an hour and a half and I covered alot of ground in that. :)
So here I am - haven't done the exercise yet this morning as the cat was climbing all over me as was my 5 year old. Am off to work shortly and will leave early so I can sit in my car peacefully when I get there and do all the visualisation then. I know this appraoch is not for everybody but I feel it's helping me - mornings are my worst time and yet on Saturday I took myself upstairs to the bedroom to do this visualisation and relaxed so much I went back to seelp for an hour.

I am also now taking Venlafaxine which is also helping with the anxiety. I am considering a massive change in lifestyle - lose weight, improve my fitness etc which should also help me get life in proportion.

28-01-08, 09:41
Hi Amanda, sounds good to me if it works for you then it's great.Good luck and keep up the good work.:yesyes:

28-01-08, 16:59
Hi Amanda
That sounds great, keep practising what you have learnt and I am sure you will be fine. Take care.
love Mags:yesyes: