View Full Version : mood swings

tayside lassie
28-01-08, 11:25
do any of you guys find that if you have an upset you find it difficult to pull yourself out of that mood even though the upset turns out all right .
i find this happening to me a lot these days .


28-01-08, 11:41
Yes I find that too. I'm not sure why it happens although I know I am very sensitive and I dwell on things alot.

So after the upset has passed, I still end up dwelling on it and getting anxious and creating scenarios from it that are very unlikely to happen. Its kind of like your mind has had a shock and can't get over it.

I'm not sure if its a symptom of a tired mind. "Normal" people can move on from these things and not let them get them down, but I think we are so tuned in to potentially upsetting events and actual events that our minds are like sponges.

We absorb all the negative events and have trouble absorbing postive events.

Sorry, I dont have an answer of how to prevent this but I can certainly relate xxxxx

Pink Panic
28-01-08, 13:37

I can certainly relate to this too. I go over and over what's happened and tend to let what's happened totally dominate my thinking.
I guess we have to let things wash over us instead of dwelling but that's not so easy to do.


28-01-08, 19:35
This is me as well. Dwelling on the smallest little bit of anx or low feeling and getting it totally out of proportion. It's the sensitised feeling which Claire Weekes talks about - emotions out of control kind of.

I think us anx sufferers do dwell and that is a lot of the problem - others would shrug off such feelings or negative thoughts but not us we just dwell and dwell and dwell..... making the problem so much worse. It's all about the way we think.

Take care all. x

29-01-08, 02:46
I think when we have an "upset", we often think it's because of something "we've" done so end up analysing the upset and in the end blaming ourselves because we can't see fault in others due to our own self-doubt and low self-esteem.

We're sensitive people so we'll "feel" upset more than most so it takes us longer to get out of the low mood because we "feel" bad and sometimes think we must be a bad person to have let it happen.

Add to that feelings of guilt and we keep ourselves feeling low.

As Yvonne says, we shouldn't look for fault within us but be objective as to the causes.

If we cause an upset, it's often because we feel hurt by someones insensitivity because they're often not sensitive like us so are not aware of the hurt they're causing or just plain ignorant.

I can't believe we're ever deliberately nasty because we care what others think of us too much so we have to remember we've reacted for a good reason or defended ourselves because we did what we felt was right.

We should never beat ourselves up or punish ourselves when we feel we were in the right. We all make mistakes too but it's up to others to accept we're only human and forgive us. If they don't, then that's up to them.

If everything is made up then we shouldn't dwell on the event but instead move on and learn through the experience so we use the upset to positive effect. Don't look back, look forward with the knowledge we've gained. We all learn through experience.

Past hurts are bad memories we keep replaying to ourselves like a film we watch over and over but the film needs to be put away as "seen" and "accepted" for what it was so that a new film can be produced in the present with a future happy ending. :)