View Full Version : Piles! Post op ramblings...

28-01-08, 17:25
Hi All,

Just thought I'd pop in to say that I've just had an operation to remove some haemorrhoids. Op was ok but recovery is Ouch!

I got acutely anxious in the weeks before the op but seem ok on that front now (the pain is pretty sobering hehe).

As I'm pretty much bed-bound at the moment, I got to thinking that there are a lot of anx sufferers who have problems with bowels. If you are an advocate of Louise Hay's work, you'll know that she suggests that these kinds of ailments are literally a result of unwillingness to "let go" (usually of emotional baggage), which can also be an underlying cause of anxiety.

Yes, all very interesting but unfortunately, I hereby confirm that I am very unwilling to literally "let go" at the moment - hurts like merry hell!!! :ohmy:

Eeb x

*spoken through gritted teeth

28-01-08, 19:15
Hi Eeb

Sorry to hear you are not so well.

I get a lot of piles and had them injected back in November and they seem ok at the moment though I have skin tags left over from the last lot.

Yours must have been bad to be operated on.

Did they find an underlying cause for them?

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

28-01-08, 19:29
Thanks Nic.

Yeah I've had them for years. First happened when I was 18 and a student nurse, due to lifting very heavy immobile patients. I was a mere slip of a lass then, skinny and about 7 and a half stone. The year after, I gave birth naturally to a 10lb baby which pretty much sealed my fate for ever more!

Had a partial op about 10 yrs ago and I need another one in a few months to finish off. It's a challenge, that's for sure.

28-01-08, 19:40
Ouch - sounds lovely!!!

Mine were caused by (as I now know) Cronhs and IBS so I am permanently on the loo.

Not nice though so I can sympathise with you.

28-01-08, 20:59
Thanks Nic. Yeah I read your thread - sorry to hear that, although I expect you are relieved to have a diagnosis at last that explains all the troubles. All a bit of a nightmare though eh.

In my last job, one of the canteen ladies suffered from Crohn's. She had taken up growing her own organic veg since her diagnosis. She swore that it helped her in many ways and she was so passionate about the whole thing, it was quite inspirational! Smashing lady.

28-01-08, 21:05
Well I wasn't expecting that diagnosis to be honest but oh well!

I need to see a dietician and hopefully she can point me in the right direction as well.

29-01-08, 12:01
I think you've been very brave hun - so have a big Piglet squeeze from me :hugs: .

Love Piglet xxxxxxxxxx

29-01-08, 16:58
Hi Eeb,

I've never personally had the operation but when I worked by boss did and he got his from riding a bicycle all the time. I remember when he did come back to work recovering from his operation he sat on a rubber inflatable tube. I hope they gave you such a thing to sit on as it helped him quite a bit. I do hope you are feeling better soon and I will have you in my thoughts.



29-01-08, 19:43
Lovely to hear from you Piglet and Laura. Thanks for the hugs and thoughts. Much appreciated.