View Full Version : 2 weeks of a bad tummy

28-01-08, 23:33
i'm feeling a bit low at the moment as i cannot seem to shift this tummy bug.

i'm not so sure its a tummy bug though, could just be stress.

it feels like bad indigestion, like heartburn but at the top of the stomach, i've felt nauseus but not been sick, its just keeps cramping up everyday.

it mostly hurts as soon as i wake up then dies down then comes back a little later. it hurts and i feel very bloated in the top of my tummy,

i don't know whether i should just try a different diet and wait it out, or just go to the doctors for an opinion. aghrrr.

why do we worry so much about health?? if we didn't we'd probably be living

28-01-08, 23:35
Could be a tummy virus Sammie, try not to worry about it easier said than done i know. I hope you feel better soon, sending you hugs:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
love Mags xxx

28-01-08, 23:42
Sounds like acid indigestion to me - you can get some Losec from doc - works wonders!

28-01-08, 23:46
Nic took the words out of my mouth.

It does sound just like acid. Losec (Omeprazole) is fab stuff. You can either get it on prescription, or buy it OTC...but it's quite expensive to buy.

Also, once you start, it's quite important to take a course of it, like you would antibiotics. A tablet here and there won't help much.

Hope that helps,

xxx :flowers:

29-01-08, 00:23
thank you all so much for your advice, i'm off to the docs tomorrow


30-01-08, 22:36
So i went to the doctors and she didn't know the cause of my tummy, she put it down to bad indigestion, and bad diet and taking pain killers.

Normally this would re-assure me but i have had it for 2 weeks almost and i'm getting scared i could have the food poisoning that kills.

how did i become this??

19-08-08, 02:14
Hi there, I think your tummy problem could be because of the pain killers you have been taking. They are very bad on the stomach. I had to take them too and that is what happened to me. If you only have to take them for a short duration, you will find that your tummy problem will disappear. :)

19-08-08, 02:20
Hi there, I think your tummy problem could be because of the pain killers you have been taking. They are very bad on the stomach. I had to take them too and that is what happened to me. If you only have to take them for a short duration, you will find that your tummy problem will disappear. :) God made everything out of nothing. But the nothingness shows through.

19-08-08, 04:13
I understand your fear. For months now I have had pain under my right ribs. It comes and goes and gets bad at times. I have had a CAT scan, ultrasound ad bloodwork and its all fine. But I feel the pain its there and its real. Mine is defintely not indigestion as I have tried pills and it never helped.
It is so hard for HA sufferers to not fear the worst. But after months of this pain I am still here so I dont know what to think.
If you have been taking pain killers they can defintely cause tummy problems for sure. DId your doctor give you any advice on what to do or any meds?
Hugs I know how hard it is not to think the worst but I am sure all is well.

19-08-08, 16:02
when my anxiety was quite high i had the same problem. Pain just below my rib cage and feeling really nauseous. I had an endoscopy in the end and it shown i had helicobacter and a peptic ulcer both common and treatable but both caused by stress

19-08-08, 22:29
Just to stop people stressing out about stress causing h pylori infection and ulcers!! you catch h pylori usually in childhood and this is the cause of the peptic ulcer. It is very very rare for anyone without h pylori infection to get an ulcer as one causes the other.

I'm not trying to be smarty pants here honest its just I know how we all think and if someone says stress causes ???? then we will all worry even more that our worrying will cause us to get that particular problem.

So hope you don't mind me mentioning the above but I got this from the horses mouth so to speak a gastroenterologist.

20-08-08, 01:13
Just to stop people stressing out about stress causing h pylori infection and ulcers!! you catch h pylori usually in childhood and this is the cause of the peptic ulcer. It is very very rare for anyone without h pylori infection to get an ulcer as one causes the other.

I'm not trying to be smarty pants here honest its just I know how we all think and if someone says stress causes ???? then we will all worry even more that our worrying will cause us to get that particular problem.

So hope you don't mind me mentioning the above but I got this from the horses mouth so to speak a gastroenterologist.

Yes, it is actually a bit of an old wives tale that stress cause ulcers. Ulcers are generally caused bt a bacterial infection.

20-08-08, 22:49
I have had tummy problems off and on for about 6 months now. I had the endoscopy about 2 weeks ago and they found nothing. I thought it might be my heart as I have PVC's that freak me out, but I just had some tests and that doc says all it well. I take antacids almost daily. I am so tired of feeling this way!
I hope you are feeling better. My docs (both the cardio and the Gastro) seem to think it is stress related. All I know is it is depressing...

23-08-08, 13:18
Hi Sammi, I had exactly the same thing for 4 months last year. Had all your symptoms, felt like really bad heartburn, ended up having an endoscopy, which showed slight acid reflux due to stress!! Try to cut down on the painkillers, they make the acid worse. You could ask your doc to prescribe you an acid neutriliser which does help. I really couldn't believe I had so many stomach aches due to stress. Really know it's easier said than done but try not to worry.