View Full Version : Slow heart rate

29-01-08, 11:42
Morning everyone :)

Can I pick your brains?

About December time I was lying down and noticed my heart was only beating about 45 times a minute (normal is above 60). I'm not an athlete!

I had to go into hospital in the middle of December for a different reason, but the nurses started to panic a bit because my pulse and blood pressure were sitting really quite low (Pulse 45, BP 80/40). This happened a fair few times, but was always when I'd been asleep. I convinced them to let me go for a fag and a coffee, and it came up to normal :winks:

I mentioned it to my GP but he wasn't bothered. I didn't think much more about it.

Yesterday I was doing some CPR training and for some reason mentioned my sluggish pulse to the trainer. She started saying I might have Heart Block and I need to see the Doctor ASAP :ohmy: She said especially if you have dizziness and palpitations etc..... Well I do get dizzy, but I am almost certain that's anxiety because I only get it in situations I'm anxious in. Occasionally I get the odd palpitation, but again, it's when I'm stressed out. I had an ECG and 24H tape a few years ago which were fine. That was before my ultra-slow heart though.

I went up to work and asked one of the Doctors there. She said that it might not be heart block because my pulse rate goes up when I exercise, which it wouldn't. I was relieved. She then said I might have an underactive thyroid gland and need to see the GP :ohmy: Grrrrr. I do get slight discomfort in one area of my chest sometimes, but I've always thought that's probably muscular, and she said Heart Block doesn't hurt.

So now I'm stressing that I have some hideous heart condition! I checked my pulse 4 times since then and it's been over 60 every time.

Anyone have any ideas? I can't really see the GP for another week and my gut feeling is that there's nothing wrong with me. I told my boss, hoping she'd say 'don't be ridiculous'. She said 'see the Doctor'. Great.

Any ideas/experience very welcome!


xxx :flowers:

29-01-08, 19:11
Anybody? No?



29-01-08, 19:44
I would see the doctor to put your mind at rest but i doubt there is anything wrong with your heart. You say when its been slow you were resting which is normal and that when you have measured it recently it has been at about 60 which is normal.
I know its always worrying when you think about your heart, mine keeps racing today and im feeling a bit scared although ive had a normal ecg etc.
I expect your dizziness and palpatations are nothing to do
your heart but everything to do with your anxiety.
Please try not to dwell on it, make an appointment with your GP, not because i think you have anything wrong with you, but because otherwise you will continue to worry about it.
Take care

29-01-08, 22:19
Thanks Donna :hugs:

I have an appointment at the end of next week anyway, and have decided to leave it until then. I have to see him about other stuff, but will drop it in.

I'm not quite so worried now as it has been fine all yesterday and today. I think I'll have to try to stop checking it!

Thanks again,

xxx :flowers:

29-01-08, 22:39
Hi Swan
Its really strange when we start getting different symptoms isn't. I think when you see the doctor next I would just mention it but I am sure its nothing to worry about. Also I think when friends start saying it might be this or it might be that like heart block it starts to make us worry even more and we start noticing things even more. Try not to worry and I am sure your doctor will reassure you.
Take care my love
Mags xxxxxxxxxxxxx

29-01-08, 23:17
I went to my doctors with the exact same worry. My pulse rate was in the 40's and 50's and I was petrified that it was heart block. I had an EKG and also did a stress test and everything was fine. I sometimes get lightheaded, and dizzy when my pulse is low as well.
My doctor has told me to be happy that I have a low pulse rate. He said that it means my heart is good and strong and doesnt have to be as hard to work. I am not an athlete either so of course I was still worried.
I agree 100% if it goes up with exercise it is not heart block. Some people truly do just have lower pulse rates and it is a good thing! Hopefully both of us can realize that!!! LOL

29-01-08, 23:17
I should mention, I dont know if this will make you feel any better but my BP today was 70/39 and my pulse was 50 and I am still here! LOL

30-01-08, 13:25
Thanks Magseee and Alison.

I feel really quite reassured by your posts :)

I'm trying to ignore it now. I keep feeling it though briefly, and I can feel that it's fine. Oh that flippin' woman, I wish I'd never mentioned it!

Thanks again,

xxx :flowers:

Rachey poos
01-02-08, 00:04
what a stupid woman... diagnosing to you like that.... it says in claire weeks book that a slow pulse cn be anxiety and a tired heart... mine goes low at times like its gonna stop...hate it...i go and have a coffee or somot but i always get a tight chest when this happens. dont worry.....xxxx

01-02-08, 16:32
I dont know that I would agree that it is due to a "tired heart". The less it has to pump the stronger it is, not weaker?

03-02-08, 16:09
I'm not sure to be honest.

Yea I think she was a bit daft. I guess she didn't realise she'd make me so worried. I've been trying not to think of it too much until my doctor's appointment really.

Anyway I've definitely got a tired heart :winks:

Thanks guys xxx