View Full Version : hello,reintroduction

08-03-05, 11:46
Hello everyone,have been absent for a while with all sorts of problems
but bit better now.

I have suffered agoraphobia on and off for years ,can have times when I feel I am back to normal then sometimes get bad spells.

Anyhow its nice to be back among you and Mary,how are you ??
did you move to new house ??

love Kiz :D

08-03-05, 12:15
Hi Kissy, Welcome back. I have agrophobia to amongst other things and yes its so anoying when u think u are better and it returns from nowhere. take care. Vernon

08-03-05, 13:34
hi kizzy, welcome back.

08-03-05, 14:15
Hi Kizzy,

Sorry to haer you have been having alot of problems,

Welcome back.


08-03-05, 14:37
Hi Kizzy

Great to hear from you. Pips and i were just talking about Mary the other day as she hasnt been on the site for months.

We have both tried to email her and havent as yet got a reply. So we are not sure if she got moved okay, i am sure she will off though.

Sorry youve been having some problems, you know we will help all we can.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

08-03-05, 15:21
Hi Kiz

Welcome back. Sorry to hear you've been having a lot of problems. I'm sure you'll get some good help here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-03-05, 17:39
:) thanks for the welcome folks,I feel better already:)
its nice to be among people who understand and care.

Sorry you have agoraphobia too Vernon,hope its not too bad at the moment for you.

Thanks also for the offer of help,I will be bending your ears soon.
Shame Mary hasn't been on for while hope she is doing ok.

love kiz xx

08-03-05, 17:48
hi welcome back

fan x

08-03-05, 17:56
Hi Kiz

I am sure she will get round to replying to one of emails soon, i will tell her you were asking after her.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

08-03-05, 18:55
Hi Kizzy

Pleased to see you managed to get back on ok in the end. I will remove that other user that you set up.

Hope we can be of some help to you again.


08-03-05, 19:13
thanks nic and everyone,shall I post my problem in the other section now and bug you all [}:)]

love kiz xx

08-03-05, 19:25

Welcome back.

Sorry to hear there's been problems but good that you are generally feeling a bit better now.

Linda. x

08-03-05, 20:40
Hi Kiz

Yeah hon post it you know we are all here to help you.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

08-03-05, 23:25
Hi Kizzy

Welcome back

We will all help all we can

Take care

Elaine x