View Full Version : any advice!!

29-01-08, 22:19
hey everyone, tonight i feel really depressed and too be honest i don't know why, i just feel really down like i've given up on life and on everything, i'm not suicidal though so don't worry, i would never put my family through that. i just feel so depressed and i don't know what to do with myself and i don't how i can get through the rest of the evening. my mum is drunk which has made me a bit upset so i don't really wanna be around her, i just can't cope, any advice on coping with feeling really down?
Please reply
Luv Louise

Hope 2
30-01-08, 00:17
Hi Louise

Im sorry to hear you are feeling so down . It's a horrid place to be .
Im not really confident to give you advice but more of a suggestion .
Try to remember that this feeling WILL pass and is only temporary.
Take time to think about those people who care about you and that you are not alone in feeling this way . Take comfort in this as I do when im having a bleak time of it xx

Will be thinking of you :hugs:
Hope x x

30-01-08, 07:24

Hi Lou,
Sorry to hear that you are feeling low tonight, it's the pits eh. Having a drunk mum wouldn't help either. Does she get drunk very often?
Do you have any books you can read. I find books help to take me away from reality for a while.
I've also found talking to people on NMP helps. Maybe go into the chat room for some company. You have heaps of friends and support here.
Love SJ

30-01-08, 13:43
hey, thanks for the help and support, yes my mum does get drunk often and i just feel like it is making my anxiety worse, it's so annoying because she is one of the nicest people when shes not drunk but as soon as she has had a drink she becomes really nasty. i just don't know how to get through this anymore.
Please reply
Love louise

31-01-08, 01:34
Hello Louise,

Do you know why she gets drunk? When she's sober perhaps you could encourage her to seek help if she can't stop herself. You could try saying things like you're worried she'll harm you when she's drunk, even if you know she wouldn't. It might though make her worry because as you say she's really a nice woman, and so encourage her to get help for her problem. I suspect she's depressed for some reason but that's only a guess.

If you can, try to get out of the place as much as possible so you don't feel trapped in her issues. Change of scenery with friends would help you to relax. Just a thought.:shrug: :hugs:

31-01-08, 10:16
Hi Louise,

Sorry you're not feeling so good. I agree that you should try and do things to distract yourself. Do you have any hobbies? If not maybe its time to find one as this will provide a distraction and I think it will increase your confidence too.

Do you have friends you can meet up with, even if its only to get out of the house for a couple of hours?

I'm sorry your Mum doesnt seem very supportive, what with her drinking. Could you talk to her about this? Do you know why she drinks?

Take care of yourself hun

