View Full Version : general anxiety

08-03-05, 12:47
hi sue here again,
can anyone help with this, ive been with my partner for 8 years, ive left my job,due to my anxiety probs, i was on fam tax credit, and now ive had to claim income support, as my boyfreind earns to much for us to claim together, they said we wouldnt be entitled to any money from them, because of this my chap sais he will have to move out because obviously i would get prossicuted, the thing is he has been my crutch, he wont look for another less paid job, because of his debts and i wont beable to spend night after night on my own, i know i will start to panic, basicly i will get worse, does anyone know whether he can still come round but leave later on at night, do you know if it will affect my claim, also he is the father of my 7 year old. i am terrified i wont beable to cope without him here, i know i shouldnt be asking you this but im at my wits end luv sue:(

08-03-05, 12:59
hi sue, im really sorry to hear about your situation. I hate when money comes before family. I dont know for definate what the guidelines, but have you looked into disability? If it came down to it, you could seek legal advice. Keep in touch


08-03-05, 14:40
Hi Sue

That is so hard. I know they draw the line on benefits, but would it have to come to the fact that your boyfriend had to move out, that seems so unfair on you both.

Money can cause alsorts of problems. Have you tried disability like Mike said.

You would get all your credits, if he came round and then didnt stay the night because it goes on how many nights a week he would stay with you. But where would he live and do you want to be left alone on a night.

Tough one hon but i would check if there is anything you are entitled to.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

08-03-05, 17:09
thanks for reply sal
so is it right that with me on income support he can come round as often as he wants without staying the night. He said he would go and sleep in his car,if he had to, we havent a choice at the moment, i dont fancy going to court, i definetly wouldnt be able to cope with that, im really scared about getting caught
regards sue:(

08-03-05, 20:02
hi you really need to be careful here because if you tell them he jas left they might actually send someone round to monitor his being there even if he leaves at night they might still question if that was really the case its all just hassle but they will put you through that regardless of your illness if they thought there was any doubt. try asking at your benefits direct about alternatives to income support

fan x

08-03-05, 20:04
hi back again one more point on the fact he is the father of your child they will deduct an amount out of his wage to support the child but remove the same amount from your income support

fan x

08-03-05, 20:46
thanks for your reply fan,
i havent told them anything about my chap at the mo, but it dosent stop me worrying about it, i dont think there is anything else i can claim.

08-03-05, 20:54
maybe try for some sort of sickness benefit? really dont know i get income support but lose £11 per week cos i dont actively look for work even though my doc has sent letters explaining why i dont work

fan x

08-03-05, 22:33
Hi Sue

They will no doubt watch your house and seems really harsh that he has to sleep in the car. But they do count the actually nights that someone stays in the property. I am not sure if it is over 2 or 3 nights as i had a friend who went through the same thing. I will call her tomorrow and see what it was.

Any other way i can help i will hon.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

09-03-05, 01:26
i dont think im the only person but it really makes me sick when there are people who just cant be arsed to work and get all the benefits they want. Then there are people who really need it. I dont know about anyone else but to me, it just seems another case of anxiety being treated more like an emotion and not recognised as a serious illness