View Full Version : driving and overtaking!!

fifi d
30-01-08, 05:58
hi am wondering if anyone can give me any words of advice.Since the birth of my kids 8yrs ago ive been terrified about driving any where outside my comfort zone.Im fine locally doing the school run etc but get me outof my home town and i hate it.
About a year ago i drove to a city a little way away and was fine until my journey home,when basically it was raining and i pulled out on a dual carriage way to overtake a lorry,visibilty was poor due to all the spray etc.
As i pulled out i felt very hot very faint and my hands were clammy,i felt this sense of detachement from myself and it really scared me.Since then Ive been too scared to overtake and often found myself sat behind lorries doing ridiculous speeds of 20 mile per hour!
At the weekend im driving to oxford for a friends birthday my husbands working so its just me and the kids.The roads are all ones i know very well,but ive been having sleepless nights about the journey-mainly that i know i will have to overtake at some point and im so scared that that faint feeling will come back-has anyone else experienced this?or does anyone have any stratergies that have helped them?or should i just not attempt the trip?I feel like i am going mad and when i was in the car with a so called friend recently she made fun of me which has kind of knocked me a bit.

30-01-08, 06:55
You are not going crazy Fifi,

I used to ride motorbikes before I had my girls, then a couple of years ago I went for a run up the coast on the back of a bike. I had PA's the whole way there.

I think subconsciously it's a 'mother alert' going off. Primal instincts of protecting our children or something.
Don't worry about over-taking, you usually just get stuck behind another truck anyway.

I just drive quietly behind trucks now and enjoy the scenery. So what if you are 15 mins late. By putting pressure on yourself it will only make you feel worse. So just relax and enjoy the drive. Play 'spot the cow' etc with the kids and relax.

30-01-08, 07:24
Hi Fifi

I have had this sensation, as you say especially when over taking, i sometimes feel like i cant put my foot down enough to actually get past the vehicle in front and panic mid way. I too get the hot panic feeling and think it is just adrenaline going beserk at the wrong time. I have experiened other odd sensations when driving such as what if i were to drive into oncoming traffic or what if i put my foot down and went too fast. As with all anxiety i just try and relax, let it pass and carry on. The fact you are worrying about the journey is so common with us sufferers, we seem to like winding oursleves up about things. The only concilation I have found is that if I wind myself up about something when the time to do what ever it is arrives I am normally fine and wonder why I wasted so much energy worrying!! Just take it slow, try and relax this week with breathing etc and go with the flow. Easier said than done but you will be fine. Like Sarahjane said, so what if you sit behind a lorry all the way at least you get there.

fifi d
30-01-08, 15:25
Thank you so much for your kind words,I think you are right so what if I dont over take as long as im driving safely then so what??Currently having palpitations thinking about the journey,daft cos I know I can do it and have done it before!Have evn borrowed a sat nav(dont know why as i wont take my eyes off the road enough to look at it).Worried that i

31-01-08, 00:59
If not over taking makes you feel better then i don't see why you should have to. Do what you feel comfortable with and only push yourself when you feel ready.
I get anxious driving and don't leave my comfort town, i worry the brakes will fail or the car will break down though.
Your certainly not mad or going crazy though.
Hope the trip goes well. Let us know.
Take Care
x x x

fifi d
05-02-08, 11:13
Well i did it!!I did my journey to see friends,i cant pretend i enjoyed it and i did experience several panic attacks mainly when i joined merging roads/motorways and found myself in the middle lane!!I only overtook once and had the whole feeling of palpitations so was too scared to attempt it again.I really have to get over this but im not sure how.Does anyone have experience of hypnotherapy or anything for panic attacks whilst driving?any advice4 gratefully recieved