View Full Version : Cancelled my birthday

Eva May
30-01-08, 12:59
It's my birthday and instead of being happy, Im totally depressed. Was supposed to go for a meal later with my boyfriend but I not ony cancelled the meal, I cancelled him calling to my house.He normally has his car which makes me feel less trapped but it broke down on him so in a way I would be his transport and that just felt like too much. So here I am, another year older and not much better. It's getting very hard to stay positive or motivated :weep:

30-01-08, 13:04
Hi Eva May, sorry to hear you're feeling so low.

Could you not speak to your b/f get him to come over and cook you a meal hun?

I know its hard to face people when you feel like this but if you shut them out you will feel even more isolated and alone. I've done that and its made me feel even worse - the best thing is to try and be around people who care about you.

I hope you sort it out hun - give him a call, explain how you are feeling. Ask if you guys can have a nice meal indoors?

Happy birthday by the way :)


Hope 2
30-01-08, 13:14
Hiya Eva May

Many people feel down on their birthdays so you are not alone there :winks: .
I would like to send you my best wishes though cos I dont like to think of you feeling this way, especially today .
Don't feel low cos you dont want to go out . It's your day so its absolutely fine to stay in and have a chill and some wine etc ! It doesnt mean you have failed in any way .

Take Care
Hope x x

30-01-08, 13:15
Eva dont be sad on your birthday:bighug1:
I agree with lilith,may be a meal at home,tell him how you are feeling.
Things will get better sweety.

Happy Birthday sweety:birthday1: :birthday1: :birthday1: :birthday1:

Eva May
30-01-08, 15:17
Even having him in the house without his car is enough to set me off. He's fine, he totally understands. I'm just having a major guilt trip over him and over myself. Thanks everyone, because it's my birthday I do feel worse.

30-01-08, 23:45
Hi Eva
Try not to worry about having a crap day on your birthday, just think when you are having a good day " I am having my birthday celebrations today"
You will have a better day Eva so celebrate your birthday when you feel better. Sending you some hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
love Mags xxxxx

31-01-08, 21:05
I know exactly how you fell hun, my birthday last year was dreadful as I was at my lowest ebb. However, what did help me was thinking about my happiest times, and knowing that they'll come around again. My birthday was spent mostly crying and in a state of panic, but hopefully this year, I'll be having a double birthday, last years and this in one!!! You are lucky to have a supportive fella, and I am wishing you the best x