View Full Version : Going away on 8th Feb

30-01-08, 14:50
Im going abroad on the 8th Feb with my b/f. He has just bought an apartment and wants to me to help him furnish etc etc....
Iv never been afraid of flying infact i used to really enjoy it but since iv started having panic attacks i havent been on a plane longer then 2 hours!
and this flight is 4 1/2....

And all that keeps going round in my head is what if i want to get off, what if i panic on the plane and there's nowhere to go? all the whats if's!!! :weep: :doh:

Does anyone have any suggestions for me, i do not take any meds as the frighten me..... and i have just bought some rescure rememdy which i hoping will arrive b4 i go.

Thanks for listening

Eva May
30-01-08, 15:23
Hey Emilys, I'm just blown away that you are considering it at all. I know I would be running in the opposite direction, so seriously, well done. I don't really know what to suggest besides the rescue remedy and maybe breathing and visualisation if you find that they work. I know meds are scary but maybe try it just this once? Something like xanax should calm you right down and the effects don't last too long, I mean 4.5 hours on a plane would be fine if you took two or something.Anyway best of luck and let us know how you get on :yesyes:

30-01-08, 15:24
where are you going???


30-01-08, 15:34
Its to Turkey!

If i could cancel it now i think i would (but i should think like that should i?)..... i have a habit of agreeing to things at the time and thinking i'll be fine and then as the date approachs either cancell if i can or worry like hell!!!! :ohmy:

30-01-08, 16:50
i sympathise with you but you will be fine, i suffer with sever panic attacks and i went to mauritius last year it took 12 and half hours, i still do not know to this day how i did but i did xxxx

30-01-08, 16:58
Thanks amanda that has really helped!!
and well done:yesyes:


30-01-08, 17:44
Its great that you are going, it would be such a shame to cancel. I think it is a good oppurtunity to show yourself that you are your own free person and able to do great things like this. I honestly think that since you agreed to it, a big part of you must know that you have the courage to be in Turkey. Dont lose a hold of that!

As far as the plane journey is concerned, if it were me, Id just try to stay in a pleasant frame of mind. When the plane lands you will be in Turkey. Since you said that you enjoy flying (i do to), theres a big chance that you'll just end up enjoying the flight. Lose sight of your negative thoughts and focus on the positive and have fun in Turkey!

30-01-08, 17:50
Hi Emily,

Sounds like a great adventure.

Why not use the time left before the trip to focus on the reason for it.Buy a scrap-book,cut bits out of magazines eg. colour schemes,ideas for soft furnishings.
You have sooo much to be positive about.
Best wishes,

30-01-08, 19:38
Chalky such a good idea!!!! My other half has booked a holiday for this year - not really thinking about it right now - but I may use your idea of scrap book.


Stop thinking about it this minute lol! x It will be the anticipatory anxiety and not the flying itself - I promise. Once you get on that plane and get a nice gin and tonic with loads of ice or a nice glass wine downyou then you will relax. I know you're not on meds so you can have a little drink.

If you get really worried about it go to the gp and ask him for just a couple of Diazepam (maybe 2mg). The gp knows that you suffer with panics and I reckon just for this one journey he would let you have a couple.

Don't spoil what is going to be a lovely trip by thinking you can't do it. Also, you don't want to let y our boyfriend down.

Take care me little fellow Colchesterian x

30-01-08, 20:21
aawwww thanks so much everyone!! i think i jst gonna have to go with the positive thoughts (and a large glass) LOL........ as i currently dont have a doctors to go to and dont think i have the time to register at a new one........

Hope everyone is feeling good tonight:bighug1:


30-01-08, 21:23
Hi Emily,

Anticipating events can be so difficult and is 99% of the time worse than how it actually turns out. I find that the same thoughts go round and round my head so I write them down and next to each one write a rational statement. If there is something coming up that I'm worried about I also write down possible coping strategies. You could plan some things to do that will distract you from any negative thoughts creeping in during the flight. Perhaps you could put some spoken word books and your favourite music onto an mp3 player? If you have a laptop you could even take that and watch your own film.

I'm sure you'll have a wonderful holiday and any wobbles will be well worth it. Let us know how it goes.

Take care,

Mike :)

31-01-08, 02:18
Anticipating events can be so difficult and is 99% of the time worse than how it actually turns out. I find that the same thoughts go round and round my head so I write them down and next to each one write a rational statement. If there is something coming up that I'm worried about I also write down possible coping strategies.

Im going to take this advice onboard for myself. Cheers!

31-01-08, 12:19
forgot to say a cpl of large wines did help lol have a lovely time xx

31-01-08, 21:50
I'm flying on the 8th as well - and I hate flying - haven't flown for 10 years. Been to doctor today and he gave me 2 5mg Diazipam, one for the flight out and one for the flight back.
My other tactics include blanking it from my mind until the day (or I'll cancel) and self hypnosis (eg., I AM NOT ON THIS PLANE) - don't know if this last one will work tho haha

In the past been slapped across the face by air hostess and locked myself in a toilet for the whole flight. BUT - the holiday means a lot to my old dad who isn't well so I'll sit on the bloody plane and remember I'm doing something good for my old man!


01-02-08, 07:40
Hi there

I am new to this site but just wanted to share my experiences.

I have worked for a tour operator and believe me you are not the first person to feel like this. Just remember the crew are so experienced and should you feel unsettled they are on hand to help, so you are not alone.

But like the others said, once you are there have a nice drink relax and think of the fun you will have, esp when we are all here freezing!!

Good luck and have fun

Claire :hugs:

01-02-08, 10:30
Hi Everyone
Got my rescue rememdy in the post today, so thats coming with me :winks:
but i am feeling less tense and worried about which is good.

My partner told me yesterday he has booked us Business seats to make me feel less stressed!! wow what a suprise that was :hugs:


01-02-08, 20:36

I know just what u are going through, i too am not a good flyer and suffer from panic attacks, i will share some of my tips that have helps me through my flights in the last 3 years:-

1. Dont forget your rescue remedy (its doest work take it about 15 mins b4 you fly)

2. Put some relaxation music onto an mp3 player or cd headphones, this really helps me,

3. If you enjoy reading take a book with you this helps to distract me.

4. Get there early or even pre-book seats near the front of the aircraft.

5. Buy some extra strong halls cough sweets, these help me breath easy during panic attack,

and lastly avoid alcohol, for some it works but i think it makes nerves alot worse.

I suffer really bad with panic attacks, and i have gone on between 2 - 4 an half hours flight, so if i can do it you def can

good luck
let us know how you get on

love claire xx:)

01-02-08, 21:45
Thanks for that Mike, I'm glad you found it useful.

That's great the worry has lessened a little Emily and the news about the business seats is brill! :yesyes:

Take care,

Mike :)

celia davies
03-02-08, 16:04
Im in the same situation as my bf wants 2 take me away 2 america in april an im so scared because its along flight cant really give u any advice as i would like some aswel x

03-02-08, 17:10

I also hate to fly but to it anyways. I take a cd player and play my favorite cd's when in the air and before take off. I also take magazines as I can't concentrate on books to read during the flight. With that long a flight they may also offer a movie which is also distracting. Also, do some deep breathing that helps me too. I also try to get my seat above the wings or near the front as you don't feel the plane moving as much. I hope this helps and have a wonderful time in Turkey and come back with a great success story!



19-02-08, 14:34
I just like to give you all an update on my trip......

when i first got on the plane i very nearly walked off b4 we even took off as i started worrying about wanting to get off in the air and not being able to.
I managed the week there shopping, meetings driving etc etc all fine and then i had to get on the plane home and had a slight pain in my leg and i really panicked as i was thinking about dvt n blood clots :doh:

but i had a champagne and finally relaxed....

So all in all it was an ok trip :yesyes:
Went no where without my rescue remedy too....


19-02-08, 22:38
Congratulations Emily! :yesyes: You should feel very proud of yourself for coping so brilliantly and overcoming the panicky moments.

Take care,

Mike :hugs: